Saturday, September 02, 2006

Labor I Won't Be Doing on Labor Day

I won't be scrubbing the underside of my bathmat. It grows black mildewy gook faster than … hell, I can't think of an example to illustrate the speed with which black mildewy gook grows. Can't we just say it gets icky dirty really often?

And so I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to keep it clean. And losing.

I bought a new one. It cost $8. Clearly it's a better use of my time to simply say "out with the old, in the with the new."

Geez! I can be so cheap at times. $8 for a new one. Why have I waited so long?

I'm the same way with my shower curtain. A new liner is less than $5, yet every time I dye my hair I struggle to make sure that all bits of splashed dye are rinsed away. What an incredible waste of my time.

Of course, I'm not always cheap. I'm travelling 2000 miles and staying in a nice hotel, all to see a ballgame.

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