Sunday, July 16, 2006

This stuff is good

1) I saw my best friend on Wednesday night. He looked wonderful. He was in for a job interview and he might get a firm job offer. I hope he takes it, and not only because it would mean a trip to Chicago every month. I think this is great for his bruised ego, and this company seems to want to help him grow in his career. It was terrific to see him, even if it wasn't for long and I had to share him with former coworkers that he didn't get a chance to say goodbye to. He kept his tie on for me. I always said I wondered how he'd look in a tie. He looks good very good in a tie. I think he looks very good under any and all circumstances. I miss him so …

2) There's an extra $600 in my checking account. Apparently it's been there since before I started using Quicken in the late 90s. I'm going to pretend I haven't discovered this -- using the $600 as a cushion against rubber checks. But it makes me happy.

3) I got a raise. 4.5%. I still hate my job, but it's easier to endure knowing that I'm being compensated a bit more fairly. The "loser/sucker" that had previously been printed across my forehead appears to be fading a little …

There's a lot that's NOT good, but I'm not going to think about that now. I'm going to think of how nice it was that he wore a tie, how good it is that I have six hundred secret dollars, and that I finally got a raise.

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  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

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