Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All I wanna do is sleep

Sleep, sleep, sleep.

When it's as hot as it is, and has been, that's all I want to do. Just going outside for a minute takes so much out of me! Heat is to me as Kryptonite is to Superman. It saps all my powers and renders me downright mortal.

Nothing holds my interest for long. I'm thirsty all the time. My hair finds imaginative ways to curl, all on its own. My eye shadow melts. My institutional gray desktop is so cool that I'm tempted to just give up and give in by pressing my cheek against it and calling it a day. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Then tonight, after a 45-minute el ride with really cranky fellow commuters, I'll get home and find that if I try to run the air conditioner AND the DVD player, I blow the livingroom/diningroom/kitchen circuit. (Actually I think the problem is my cable box, which in hot weather behaves as if it's auditioning for a dinner theater production of Poltergeist.) But that's OK. Because right now my dearest wish isn't to be tucked in the corner of my sofa watching those DVD's I rented. No, I wish to be in my bedroom. On clean, cool sheets. After (at least) making out with my best friend.* Then sleep, sleep, sleep.

*Oh, it won't ever happen. But it's hot and I'm grumpy and we take our pleasure where we can.

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