Saturday, May 20, 2006

Be careful who you Google

Decades ago I was involved with two very different men. One was sweet, stable, sensitive. The other was charming, gorgeous and tormented. A Glenn Fry song was popular at the time, "Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you, or are you going back to the one you love?" That's kinda how I ended up with Bachelor #2. The results were disastrous. But I learned a lot, about myself and others, so I refuse to regret my decision.

This past week I received an invitation to a graduation party. Bachelor #1 has not been a bachelor for a long time and his son is graduating from high school. I was enormously touched that he invited me to the party. He's one of those guys who said we'd remain friends, and meant it. What a classy guy.

This did, however, get me thinking about Bachelor #2. So I Googled him. Oh ... my ... God. The sexual narcissist who dealt and used coke is now a devout Catholic who writes enjoys writing letters to the editor. By the ton. He's against gay marriage, and wonders why the United States Government doesn't wise up and follow Catholic teachings. That the whole separation of Church and State thing is beyond him doesn't surprise me -- he never was very bright. But when I think of how he used to tease and encourage the affection of gay men to further his drug business (and I've never been 100% sure that tease is all he did), I am amused and amazed. He's also against anti-smoking laws, raising the minimum wage, and divorce. Considering how promiscuous he was back in the day, this also leaves me amused and amazed.

I'd like to believe that he has found God and turned his life around. But instead I honestly think that this is a chameleon who is adopting whatever pose suits his purposes.

The funniest thing I found was information about a lawsuit he filed. He bought a house beside an airport and was in court because he had no idea it would be so noisy. (Like I said, he was never that bright.) In addition to wanting money related to the real estate and house itself, he was suing for "loss of consortium." It was tossed out of court, as well it should have been. I had sex with him for years (when he was younger) and know it was not worth that much.

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