Saturday, February 08, 2025

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: But Beautiful (1947)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The lyrics encourage us to take a chance on love. What's something you've done recently that took you outside your comfort zone? How did it turn out? I'm slowly taking on more responsibility at the card shop: Pricing sale items, choosing the cards that go on the rack, etc. I do have an extensive marketing background, so it makes sense. So far, so good.
2) Bing Crosby introduced "But Beautiful" in the 1947 film, Road to Rio. Name another movie song that became a hit. "The Way We Were."
3) Bing's leading lady in Road to Rio was Dorothy Lamour. When she was a teenager, she worked as an elevator operator. With the advent of user-operated/push-button elevators, few elevator operator jobs remain. What's another job that was once commonplace, but has virtually disappeared? I always kinda thought it would be neat to work in that FotoMat booth.
4) Road to Rio was one of seven Road movies Bing Crosby and Bob Hope made together. They were one the most financially successful comedy teams in history. What movie or TV show always makes you laugh? Animal House.

5) Crosby's given name was Harry but he acquired the nickname "Bing" because as a kid he was a fan of a comic strip character named "Bingo." As a child, did you read the newspaper? Yes. The Chicago Sun Times in the morning and Chicago Today after school. They were both tabloid style, so I could easily read them back-to-front, starting with the sport page, and then the comics, the entertainment section, the local news and the international news. I admit I was usually bored by the time I got to the front page.
6) His 1942 version of "White Christmas" is still one of the best-selling records of all time. He was a movie star, nominated three times for the Oscar, winning once. Can you name another performer who has been successful both acting and singing?
My queen

7) Bing loved golf and enjoyed traveling the world, playing at different courses. If today you were to receive an airline ticket to any city in the world, what destination would you choose? What would you be certain to see/do there? There are many places I visited years ago that I long to see again. Graceland, Colonial Williamsburg, New York City, Key West ... I enjoyed them all and would love to do it all again.

8) In 1947, when "But Beautiful" was a hit, Farrah Fawcett was born. She became famous for her bathing suit poster, her blonde hair, and a 70s TV show. Without looking it up, do you know the name of that television series? Charlie's Angels

9) Random question -- Are you someone who makes things happen, or someone things happen to? I'd like to think I'm the latter, but in reality I'm probably a mix of both. Things may happen to me, but how I respond is up to me.



  1. The Way We Were! YES.
    enjoyed your answers.
    i totally forgot about those fotobooth places hahaha

  2. Funny that I didn't even think of places in the US for #7. Kate Jackson was my favorite mostly because we share a birthday!

  3. Oh yes, Barbra S. is great and The Way We Were was great and Yentl too!

  4. I hope you get to visit all of those places again.


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