Monday, September 16, 2024

Teaser Tuesday

Here's how to play.

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) 

Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind is told almost exclusively from Scarlett's point of view. That's why this passage stood out to me. Scarlett has announced to the household that she's going to Atlanta to talk to a banker about a mortgage on Tara so they can pay the taxes. Ashley understands that she will come back with the money needed to keep the plantation ... no matter what. 

He remembered the way she had squared her shoulders when she turned away from him that afternoon, remembered the stubborn lift of her head. His heart went out to her, torn with his own helplessness, wrenched with admiration. He knew she had no such word in her vocabulary as gallantry, knew she would have stared blankly if he had told her she was the most gallant soul he had ever known. He knew she would not understand how many truly fine things he ascribed to her when he thought of her as gallant. He knew that she took life as it came, opposed her tough-fibered mind to whatever obstacles there might be, fought on with a determination that would not recognize defeat, and kept on fighting even when she saw defeat was inevitable.

That's my girl! Doing whatever it takes to keep a roof over the heads of the 13 people who depend on her.

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