Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sunday Stealing


1. What is the hottest temperature you've seen this summer so far? One day in June it hit 98ยบ. This scares me because our hottest month is usually August. If it's 98ยบ this early in the season, the prospect of August is sticky and icky.

2. What is your favorite summer beverage? Coke. Though the urologist would prefer I say, "Ice water with a splash of lemon." Much better for my kidneys.

3. Have you seen any fireflies/lightning bugs yet? Cicadas? I finally saw some cicadas in late May. I was disappointed that, in this neighborhood, "the invasion" was something of a bust. We've had a lot of new construction here in the last decade, and that uprooted lots of trees. Hence, fewer cicadas. ๐Ÿ˜ž

4. What are the last 3 things you bought online? 1) I sent a package of rulers via Amazon to a local back-to-school supplies drive and 2) Neutrogena wrinkle cream from and 3) Florastor probiotics from Scintillating, isn't it?

5. Where do locals go to cool off? We stay indoors in the a/c. There's a shallow fountain between the movie theater and the ice cream parlor and kids find splashing in it irresistible.

6. Where did you buy your last postcard and what was on the pc? I bought this postcard at the shop where I work part-time. I sent it to our friend Gregory to thank him for the wonderful job he did planning our friend John's celebration of life.

7. What's your favorite summertime scent? I'll go with lemon, since I'm supposed to be adding it to my ice water. (See #2.)

8. What kind of a/c do you have - central, room, fans only, chillers, none and what temperature do you set it to? I have two air conditioners, one through-the-wall for the living room/dining room and a small window unit for my bedroom. There's no a/c for the smaller bedroom ... which gives me yet another reason not to have anyone visit overnight. (I hate having company.) 

Here's a photo of a through-the-wall unit. I include it because I once loved a guy who grew up in Denver and lived for a time in Austin and he thought they were the damndest thing he'd ever seen. They are very popular in multi-unit buildings here in Chicagoland. Especially in older buildings that went up before central air was commonplace. Through-the-wall units enable each tenant/unit owner to cool their own unit exclusively and pay their own energy costs.

9. Do you have a summer vacation planned and if so, where are you really going?? No summer plans. I went to Los Angeles in April for the TCM Classic Film Festival and will be traveling to Michigan for Christmas with my niece. (Why ask where I'm "really" going? Why would I lie?)

10. What are your favorite summer activities? I like to cheer, and boo, and raise a hullabaloo.

11. What's your favorite summertime food? I like chicken salad, or sometimes tuna salad, when it's too hot to eat warm food.

12. Did you ever go to summer school? Nope.

13. What's your favorite summertime memory? I have many. One is from the summer between second and third grade. I took lessons at the high school and was so proud when I could swim the length of the pool. I had no speed whatsoever, but I did it! (Backstroke, too.)

14. Do you like fireworks? Only on the 4th of July. Around here, the sound of fireworks can be confused with gunfire and it's scary.

15. How do you feel about the longer days of summer? ๐Ÿ‘


  1. I have that song on one of two CDs called Baseball's Great Hits!

  2. I used to wear Loves Baby Soft Lemon sent. I can't wear fragrances anymore. I can use essential oils. I bought some beads that I can drop some oils onto. I think I will add a scent called Stress Away!

  3. I live in the country and I did not hear many cicadas either, but there has been some construction here too and I hadn't really thought about that, but I bet that is why. We have a lot of fireflies. I love those. I loved your answers! Have a nice day.


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