Sunday, May 05, 2024

Sunday Stealing


1. Who is your best friend and why? What do you like to do together? This is hard, because John just died on April 12. He was my best friend for more than 40 years because he accepted me exactly as I am. We were opposites in every way: He was a tall, black gay man, while I'm a short, straight white woman. I love how generous he was in sharing his life experiences with me and he taught me a great deal. He thought I was funny. I was more comfortable with him than I am with my family. We enjoyed just being together, blabbing. I will never not miss him.

2. What is your town like? What are your favorite places to go? My neighborhood is very diverse, progressive, and activist. For example, we volunteered to accept migrants sent up here by Texas Gov. Abbott, and right now the community bank is collecting sanitary products for the women. I love that! It's a great place to shop and dine out. There's more than 15 restaurants within walking distance of me representing a variety of different cuisines.The local movie theater has six screens. We have a community theater company. Our public library is three stories tall and so popular it has an underground parking garage. We support 38 houses of worship. I love it here and can't imagine living anywhere else.

3. What is your favorite meal? Where and when do you eat it? I am a meat and potatoes kinda gal. Literally. I had a cheeseburger and fries for dinner Saturday. I got it to-go and ate it on the sofa while watching the Cubs beat the Brewers. BLISS!

4. What is your job like? What do you like about it? We sell cards, wrapping paper and gifts. It's a lovely, happy place to work. With Mother's Day next Sunday, I imagine we'll be pretty busy this week, but our customers are uniformly positive and patient. I only work 4 to 8 hours/week, which suits me fine.

5. What is your favorite place to go on vacation? I love the TCM Classic Film Festival! Four days with other movie nerds, I was totally in my element. Bouncing up and down Hollywood Blvd. between six theaters, I saw 12 films, a mix of old favorites and new-to-me discoveries. It's like camp for cinephiles. I can't wait to do it again next year!

6. What country would you like to visit one day? England, I suppose. But I really don't have any burning desire to travel overseas. I'd rather see America.

7. What bores you the most? Football and/or soccer.

8. What are you looking forward to this summer? Go, Cubs, Go!

9. What is your favorite film? The Way We Were.

10. Do you sing in the shower? Every morning.

11. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? As an adult, I'd say it was the padded hangers from my mom. She was so happy when she gave them to me! She saw them on HSN and was so cute as she explained to me how the shoulders of my cardigans will never again be pointy. I could tell she enjoyed taking care of me again.

12. Do you prefer being indoors or outdoors? Depends on what I'm doing

13. When was the last time you cried, and why? See #1. I really loved him.

14. What do you keep in your bag or handbag? I carry a very big purse. Odds are if you need it, I've got it in there.

15. Can you play a musical instrument? No.


Photo by coco tafoya on Unsplash


Photo by coco tafoya on Unsplash


  1. I LOVE YOUR TOWN and its response to the migrant issue!

  2. Your town sounds like what I used to dream of when I was younger. It still surprises me that I haven't left my hometown.

  3. Your part of town sounds very cool. I am so sick of the magas here I could scream. If my husband wasn't as wedded to this farm as he is to me, I would move.

  4. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I loved the description of your town. And I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I know what that is like. I lost my best friend in 1986 (also a gay man) and I miss him every day.

  5. I am jealous of the restaurant scene in your neighborhood. There are probably 20 restaurants (not counting fast food and pizza) in my town and all but one Mexican place and two Chinese places are some variation of the typical Italian/American fare. I would love to see some variety.

    My sympathies on the loss of John. I missed that while I've been away from blogging.


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