Friday, March 01, 2024

Worry, worry, worry

I do this to myself, you know. This tension, this stress. I worry about things that may happen but may not.

For example, about a month ago, Gregory invited me to lunch. He's sorting through his books and came upon some big, beautiful coffee table tomes about Hollywood he thought I would like, and he wanted me to have them before I go to the TCM Classic Film Festival in April. Sounds simple, right? And nice.

But I turned it into "a thing." I worried myself mad because in the 40+ years we've known one another, Gregory and I have never been alone together. For all the Thanksgiving dinners and summer lunches and birthday parties we've enjoyed together, we have always been part of a group. 

So what was up? Why did he really want to see me? Would we get along?

We met yesterday. I had a burger, he had clam chowder. The books are beautiful. We never ran out of things to talk about.

Why did I waste all that time worrying?

Then there's the mess with the condo board. Our building is in violation. We have the wrong smoke detectors. Some light bulbs in the hallways are out. There are cracks in the pillars in the parking lot. Etc., etc., etc. Jeremy in "Code Enforcement" sent the SECOND NOTICE to me. Just me. There are three of us on the Board but mine is the only name on the letter. I'm not even president!

I completely freaked out. 

Then I realized that 1) I cannot be solely responsible, since we have a management company and there are two other board members and 2) I never received a first notice. Neither did the management company. So that may buy us time in rectifying these situations.

Breathe, Gal, breathe.

Besides, it's Friday evening. Nothing of consequence is going to happen this weekend. I've texted the Board president (haven't heard back) and emailed everyone involved on our end, asking for ideas about next steps. I've done what I can do.

I have to try to let it all go, at least till Monday. 

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