Saturday, March 02, 2024

Three Nice Things About Myself -- Day 2


My blogging buddy, Kwizgiver, wrote a post that really resonated with me. She detailed how self-care helped her helped her prevail during a (ridiculously) tough month. Her tips were very wise and so doable! So she has inspired me to take one and integrate it into my own life.

Since I can be a pretty harsh self-critic, this is the one I chose. I hope I can do this every day during March. By then it should be a habit, right?

Three nice things about myself -- March 2:

1) I maintain my sense of humor. A lot went wrong today, all before 1:00. My dental insurance carrier seems to have forgotten me and denied a claim, my LYFT driver's car smelled like Swisher Sweets, I placed my lunch order at the wrong location and ended up forfeiting my $20.00 tab* ... But I'm still smiling. It helps to imagine myself Lucy Ricardo for the new millennium. Sometimes I swear I can hear the laugh track.

2) I spread the wealth. When grocery shopping yesterday I saved a little of my budget for the little mom'n'pop on the other side of town. I knew I'd be nearby today for a stop at the vet and I want to support them. I bought my paper towels, canned goods and a container of mashed potatoes from the deli counter. Independent stores like this one are important, if inconvenient for me, and I want to help them succeed. I like myself for noticing what makes my community special and, as they say, putting my money where my mouth is.

3) I have pretty handwriting. I put it to good use, encouraging voters to sign up for Vote by Mail.


*Completely my fault. I didn't look at what I was doing on the site and clicked the wrong box. The manager of that location couldn't have been nicer but explained that $20 wasn't enough for their minimum delivery and besides, even if he waived that, the food would be cold by the time he could get it to me. I said 5 miles is an awfully long walk and to give my lunch to the kitchen staff with my compliments. The manager took my name and told me to come in for anything I want "next time, on the house." Yeah, that's gonna happen. But I deserve this. I should pay a price for not paying attention. However, when the Mastercard bill comes, Ricky will tell me I have some 'splaining to do.


  1. Pretty handwriting is a lost art, I'm afraid. The past few college students who've observed my classes have remarked at how nice my handwriting is and how theirs is illegible. I tell them to practice! It's an art and it needs to be developed!

  2. My mother had lovely handwriting, but mine is cramped and hardly legible. It always has been.


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