Sunday, December 24, 2023

Now it's Christmas

Last night I saw George Bailey on the big screen. My friend Elaine and I went to the annual holiday show at The Music Box Theater, which includes a singalong with Santa before the showing of a pristine print of It's a Wonderful Life.

First we had dinner at a local restaurant known for their chicken. She had the chicken salad, I had the rotisserie chicken, and I received two (count 'em, 2!) compliments on my Cubs Christmas sweater. Then it was off to the theater. 

This is a Chicago tradition. Santa comes in, sits atop the organ, and leads us in a singalong. We went to one of the evening shows. I'm told that during the matinees it's mostly families and very wholesome. I've only ever been at night, when it's a bit more raucous and we can hear beer cans being popped open throughout the singalong. I just love how many young adults know this classic film so well (you can count on hissing every time Mr. Potter appears on screen) and are willing to don Santa hats and come out for it. I got emotional about all of it and and bought the 40th anniversary commemorative mug.

Who needs another mug? Not me. But I had to have it.

I found it comforting that Elaine was grumpy. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. She was battling an upper respiratory infection -- caused by allergies, so she wasn't contagious -- and very snappish. She is usually far more thoughtful and generous than I am, so in a way I enjoyed seeing this more human side of her.

I went to sleep feeling more Christmas-y than I have so far this year.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you got out and had a nice time, even with a grumpy friend!

  2. This sounds like a super fun Christmas tradition. I love the mug. Merry Christmas, Gal. See you again soon!


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