Wednesday, December 27, 2023

My Christmas Day of Service

Worship of God, service to man. Those words are carved above the entrance to my church. They inspired me to kick off my own very personal Christmas tradition: a day of service.

•  First I went through my front closet and decided to part with two very nice wool coats: one gray and one black. They are almost new. Since I no longer have a job that requires me to dress up to visit a client, I do not need either of them (and you can argue I never needed two). This time of year* some women who can't afford to buy them new will appreciate them. I also laundered my Michael Kors puffer coat. There's a telltale trace of my foundation on the collar, but it's a big warm coat with a brand name and it has value.

I took a moment to be grateful that I had a career that enabled me to have three very nice coats that I don't need. Especially when there are women -- right here in my community -- who spend our winters shivering in inadequate outerwear as they commute to their jobs. Or worse, spend their days outdoor and their nights in shelters or tents.

•  Then I got ambitious and signed up for nine Letters Against Isolation, instead of my usual three. I used the new snowy stickers and gel pens I got at the card shop where I now work. In between cards, I exchanged texts with John (naughty holiday jokes), Elaine (more trivia about It's a Wonderful Life, because we each knew the other would have it on) and Cousin Rose (we opened our gifts "together" across the miles).

I took a moment to be grateful for the people in my life. I am only alone when I wish to be. Letters Against Isolation has taught me that there are people for whom "alone time" doesn't feel like a luxury or an opportunity to recharge. For them it's soul crushing. 

I'm going to dedicate Christmas to service every year from now on. I'm not sure how it will look in 2024. But I'm sure the effect will be the same: it will refocus my heart on the reason for the season.

*Though it's been unseasonably warm so far this winter, we all know the mercury is going to drop. It always does.


  1. What a great tradition to create for yourself!

  2. I really love this! Once again, you are a great example and give me ideas for my own life. I am getting back into Letters Against Isolation after a hiatus of several months, and in fact, I have a packet of cards to mail out to Meals on Wheels in Albany, NY today! I think it is really great that you are donating those very nice coats that you don't need. I love the words carved at the entrance to your church. I hope you have a very Happy New Year!

  3. A great way to celebrate the day. Good for you! (And I'm glad you're still connecting with Rose.)

  4. I spent most of Christmas on my own and I created some new to me traditions, too. Your idea is far more altruistic than mine--perhaps I will copy you.


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