Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Thursday Thirteen #335

13 mysteries about cats. I was listening to cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy the other day and he said he often decides what topics to tackle on his website/podcasts by going to Google. That's how he finds out what us cat fanciers are wondering about.

I wondered about what we wonder. And so I went to the Google machine and here are the questions I found.

1. Why do cats lick you? Here are 8 reasons from  Short answer: They're bonding with you and marking you with their scent.

2. Why do cats purr? Usually it's because your cat is relaxed and happy. Sometimes they do it to "woo" us and persuade us to feed them.

3. Why do cats make biscuits? I prefer "kneading." Here are 10 reasons from Short answer: It's instinctive behavior, carried over from kittenhood, and my cats do it when they're feeling affectionate.

4. Why do cats sleep so much? It's genetic. They're cats! If you want more, here are 7 reasons from These folks are so good at this, they should change their name to

5. Why do cats eat grass? It's good for them. Benefits of grass guzzling include faster, easier bowel movements and vomiting, and vitamins. Read more about it here.

6. Why do cats meow? It's how they talk to us. Cats meow more to people than they do to other animals.

7. Why do cats like catnip? It enters your cat's system through the nose and releases a euphoric reaction. In short, your cat is getting a harmless, natural high.

8. Why do cats hate water? Once cat fur gets wet, it takes a long time to dry. So a wet cat feels cold and weighed down, which is pretty icky.

9. Why do cats hiss? It's an instant reaction to a sudden negative emotion: fear, anxiety or anger. A hissing cat isn't in control and should be given a wide berth.

10. Why do cats like boxes so much? Predators themselves, cats are aware they can be prey. A confined space makes a cat feel safe.

11. Why do cats groom each other? It has less to do with cleanliness and than communication. Grooming can convey affection, trust and dominance.

12. Why do cats do airplane ears? It's a sign of anxiety, kinda like a precursor to hissing. Airplane ears mean, "I really, really wish you'd quit what you're doing."

13. Why do cats to bunny kicks? When a cat drops to the floor and starts kicking with its back legs, it's showing you one of its more versatile moves. Bunny kicks provide effective self-defense and are also useful for gutting prey. (Yeah, I know. Ew, ick.)

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.



  1. That's probably more than I'll ever need to know about cats, since I am highly allergic to them. They seem to know this and gravitate towards me if I am near them. I don't think I've ever seen a cat lick a person, though. I found that quite interesting.

  2. This is interesting. I still don't like cats, but this is interesting.


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