Saturday, November 25, 2023

The food was good but the vibe was off

John, Gregory and I had Thanksgiving dinner at a winery/restaurant in my neighborhood. Because I don't drink wine, and since it's a little fancier than I'm used to, I've never tried it. But I heard they had a great prix fixe Thanksgiving menu. So when John suggested that this year we celebrate Thanksgiving in my neighborhood instead of his, I mentioned the winery.

The menu was traditional and quite delicious -- butternut squash soup, roasted turkey and stuffing, cranberry sauce, green beans with carrots, mashed potatoes, and a fantastic slice of pumpkin cheesecake -- and the price was right. The boys got out here without event; John took a rideshare while Gregory took the train. I don't remember what John was drinking, but Gregory was very happy with the prosecco. I had cranberry juice and vodka. Only one, because I'm battling a cold.

Gregory and I surprised one another with birthday gifts. His was back in August. I snapped a photo when we were all singing "Happy Birthday" and had it made into a refrigerator magnet. He gave me a white cube with lights from within, kind of a desk Christmas ornament.

So why wasn't it a perfect Thanksgiving? I don't know. The conversation just wasn't flowing the way it usually does when we're together. I'll blame it on my cold.

Oh well. I'm still thankful for good friends, good food, and leftovers!


1 comment:

  1. It does sound like a very nice Thanksgiving.


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