Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Thursday Thirteen #330

Our 13 most common surnames. I'm 65 and never married. That means I have been hearing my decidedly German surname mangled by strangers for 65 years. I no longer correct people anymore. Whatever they want to call me is fine. I admit
there are times I wished I married, just to unload it ... preferably for one of these. No one mispronounces these. 

And so, without further ado, here are the 13 most common surnames in the US, according to Census Data. 

1. Smith

2. Johnson

3. Williams

4. Brown

5. Jones

6. Garcia

7. Miller

8. Davis

9. Rodriguez

10. Martinez

11. Hernandez

12. Gonzalez

13. Wilson

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.


  1. My name is not on the list. People misread my last name all the time.

  2. Smith has yet to be knocked of from the #1 place.

  3. I married a guy with a German last name... Deister. It's Dye-ster, but I've gotten Deester, Dye-eh-ster, Dee-eh-ster. And my personal favorite... Disaster. I just go with it at this point.

  4. I went from an Irish to a German surname. Formerly Fuerbach, it morphed into Firebaugh at some point. Great name for a retired firefighter, though.

  5. Interesting post. My maiden name was Hunt and when I married I went to Jones - two very English/Welsh names. I have been surprised by how many hispanics mispronounce Jones as Honas.


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