Saturday, August 26, 2023

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 26

My 2023 happiness icon

Today's Happiness: My bootheels were wandering.

I strolled the mile to a new-to-me restaurant for lunch with my friend Nancy and her husband Paul. I saw a part of town I just never visit otherwise. That's one thing I like about retirement. I take things slower and notice more.

Lunch was delicious but unwise. I had a nice big breakfast -- eggs, bacon and pancakes with powdered sugar and syrup. Then, since it was right up the street, we went to Paul's favorite ice cream shop. That was simply too much sugar for my gut and it rebelled.

But that's a minor quibble. It was a lovely day. I like being with Nancy and Paul. They're happily married, smart, funny ... and they like me! YAY!



  1. Sounds like a great visit with friends. Sorry for the tummy distress.

  2. I ate a chocolate cupcake this afternoon and am regretting it. But boy did it taste good on the way down.


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