Thursday, August 31, 2023

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 31

My 2023 happiness icon

Today's Happiness: "Love you, Gal."

I ended up on the phone with Reg. The first time in more than 9 months. He stopped communicating with me directly and was just all-around pissy and self-centered. He was also furious that I didn't come to Key West for Christmas. I wanted to but I had been misled about Henry's hospitalization. Here's the post about that painful blow up.

Anyway, Henry called me tonight and impulsively handed the phone to Reg. He started chatting with me amiably, as though we talk all the time and nothing bad has happened. He ended with, "Love you, Gal."

I don't know how healthy any of this is. I don't know that I can honestly say I love him. But I am glad the big freeze between us has thawed. I do love Henry as much as ever, and knowing I can speak directly to Reg if something goes wrong comforts me. Peace is lovely.


  1. I am glad that this happened. Seems like a first step toward an ongoing positive relationship, which (hopefully) will mean you will have more contact with Henry. I have loved reading all of your posts in this month's challenge. Have a good Labor Day Weekend.

  2. It's a wonderful final challenge post--I'm glad Reg recognizes how important you are to both him and Henry.

  3. This was good to read. I'd been wondering how things were with Reg and Henry, if their move went ok, etc. Great end to the Happiness Challenge! (Thanks for that.)


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