Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Phew! What a relief!

Today I got an email from Cook County Jury Administration. "Your request for a different Location was granted. Please disregard current summons, as you have been rescheduled for a later service date. You should receive a new summons in the mail in approximately 11 weeks from your current service date of 01/19/2023."

The good news is that I'm no longer expected to take a train, transfer to another train, and walk nearly a mile to the assigned Courthouse -- which was silly because there are county courthouses nearer me.

The bad news is that 11 weeks puts us to April 6, and my vacation to the TCM Classic Film Festival begins April 12. I have my flights, my passes, and my hotel all booked. So I may have to go through all this again in three months.

Oh, well. I shall concentrate on the positive: a real-live Cook County employee (instead of a computer) looked at my original summons and my plea for relocation and came to the right conclusion. My local government works. That's a good thing.



  1. Can you postpone? I know in my county in California, when I get a summons I can go to their computer thingie and postpone to a date not more than 6 weeks after. I frequently postpone, and it's never an issue. But jury duty is notoriously localized, so I have no idea if you can do that, too. I hope so, because losing your vacation would suck (and you shouldn't have to).

  2. Hopefully the summons won't come until you've had your vacation and returned.


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