Wednesday, September 07, 2022


Thirteen top reasons people call in for a last-minute day off.

  1. Family emergency
  2. Sick (non-specific)
  3. Religious commitments/holiday
  4. Doctor's appointment
  5. Family event/celebration
  6. Burn out
  7. Bad weather
  8. Car accident/can't drive
  9. No babysitter
  10. Back pains
  11. Upset stomach
  12. Household emergency (broken a/c or refrigerator)
  13. Pet got lost

Now I can't tell you how many of these people are fibbing.

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.




  1. I've only called out for 2 & 4. Because it's too much work to have a substitute than to be here.

  2. When it reached the point where I was off sick more than I was working, I quit and switched to freelancing. I didn't really have a choice; I was going to lose the job anyway because I missed so much work. Some of us simply can't handle 9-5, I guess.

  3. I’m very glad those days of fibbing a sick day are far behind me. Once I turned back home 2 blocks from work. It was too pretty a day to type.


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