Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Stealing


1. Has the COVID-19 affected your work environment? We no longer have a work environment. All of our offices are closed and we're all "working from home." Only I haven't heard of any real work that's been done ... yet. Just meetings. Maybe, as we along with our clients and contractors get more accustomed to wfh, we'll become more productive.

2. How are you feeling about the Coronavirus? Scared

3. Has anybody you know been tested/have you?  No

4. Do you have any friends stuck in any exotic locations? No

5. Have you changed any of your personal habits due to the pandemic? I sleep a lot more. Whenever I feel like a nap, I take one. I mean, why not?

6. What is the craziest thing you've seen or heard about the outbreak? This national toilet paper obsession.

7. Do you think our politicians are doing enough to curb the crisis? Nationally, no. Donald Trump first commented -- dismissively -- about the virus when he was in Davos in January. If only we could get those months back!

On the other hand, I've been impressed and comforted by our Gov. Pritzker during this crisis. He talks to us like adults, explaining his decisions and why/how they've been made.

8. Have you stockpiled anything because of the crisis? Not really. I have a full freezer and my cabinets are stocked, so I'm good. No need to buy more.
9. What do you think you will miss the most if you are subject to a lock in? I am subject to lock in. Once you get your mind around it, it's fine. I can go outside and take a walk (as I did on Saturday, to the post office). I picked up an order from my favorite coffee shop. As long as I stay healthy, I'll be fine.

10. What is the weirdest rumor you've heard about the virus? That it's a deep state Obama plot to bring down Trump. No, really. My 20-something downstairs neighbor believes that. He has family in Italy who told him so or some such nonsense. Oh, well. At least he didn't tell me Bill and Hillary are behind the corona virus deaths.
11. Do you have a favorite meme about the virus? I posted these two earlier in the week.

12. Has the virus made you grateful for anything? That I have a job that allows me to work from home! Restaurant workers don't have this luxury. Truck drivers, maintenance workers and grocery store staff are now our front line. And hospital workers! I am fortunate.

13. Have any of your plans been upset by the outbreak? No.

14. Are you planning do to anything different because of the COVID-19 outbreak? It feels like I'm doing everything different!

15. What do you hope to see in six months time? Baseball!

16. Has the Coronavirus upset your mental health in any way? I suppose. I'm nervous and sad and scared. But isn't everyone?


  1. Like you, this lock down isn't really bothering me. The perks of being a bit of an introvert. I'm good with my own company. My daughter, on the other hand, is already climbing the walls. She needs constant stimulation and/or company. She's never been good at amusing herself. It's going to be a very long stretch for her.

  2. Another weird rumour I heard was that gargling with bleach might help.





  3. Oh yes! Baseball. We better see those boys by then. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  4. I'm out of school until April 27th so this should be interesting to say the least.

    Do you miss your "clown car" office?

  5. I'm struggling with "depressed" at the moment. My husband is scheduled to return to work next week and I am terrified. He's 61 and I have bad asthma. I don't see how he can *not* bring it home to me since the ambulances are first in.


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