Wednesday, April 04, 2018

A man died on this date

Sometimes when men become martyrs, we forget that they were once men. Last Christmas, when I was changing planes in ATL, I discovered an exhibit devoted to Dr. Martin Luther King. It was this collection of everyday items that most touched my heart: The 60's-era transistor radio he carried, the wristwatch he wore, and his reading glasses.

I'll let smarter people say more eloquent things about Dr. King on the 50th anniversary of his death. I just want anyone who sees this today to remember that 50 years ago today, a man was gunned down on a balcony. And that was a tragedy.

1 comment:

  1. I had an interesting teaching moment with my students--events that happened during my lifetime that I don't remember and the same with their lives (they don't remember September 11, in fact, some of them weren't born).


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