Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing:  Firsts

First Job: Babysitting

First Real Job: Secretary

First Favorite Politician: JFK

First Car: Impala

First Record/CD: "Annette" backed with "Hey, Cubby Boy." It was a thick yellow 45 rpm by Jimmy Dodd of the Mousketeers, recorded before I was born. I don't know how I got it. Maybe it came with the record player, which looked like this.

First Sport Played: Tag or kickball.

First Concert: Bobby Sherman at The Auditorium Theater in Chicago

First Foreign Country Visited: Canada

First Favorite TV Show: Batman

First Favorite Actor: Michael Landon

First Favorite Actress: Marlo Thomas

First Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Tommy from across the street. We were going to get married and get a dog. And we would keep her on a leash, not let her run away or get hit by a car. We were in pre-school, and seemed to believe two people had to be married to own a dog.

First Encounter with a Famous Person: When I was about 10, I saw Hawks' star Stan Mikita doing his Christmas shopping in Oak Brook, Illinois.

First Brush With Death: I know my mother was very upset when I told her how I "fixed" the broken plug by prying the broken prong out of the socket with a pen. I got a stern talking to about electricity.

First House/Condo Owned: This one

First Film Seen: Mary Poppins

First Favorite Recording Artist: The Lads from Liverpool

First Favorite Radio Station: The Big 89, WLS

First Book I Remember Reading: Abraham Lincoln by Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire.

First Meme You Answered on Your Blog: Here's the first Thursday Thirteen I ever did, 9 years ago.


  1. Oh, the d'Aulaires were so good! I love all their books, still today.

  2. I guess I've been visiting your blog for ten years, if that was your first Thursday 13, because I made the rounds even if I didn't always comment. Long time not to know somebody. I missed out on a lot of TV because we could only receive one station, ABC.

  3. As a mom, I got chills when I read your electricity story.

  4. I had forgotten about the Thursday 13. I'm pretty sure I did that one for a while a long time ago in another blog life. I had forgotten about those thick colored 45's. I had a couple of red and yellow ones, too. Do you remember when there were records on the back of the cereal box? You had to cut them right out of the box...they were cardboard. I had a couple of those. I think I had Bobby Sherman and The Archies.

  5. As a teacher, I've had students stick various things in the outlets over the years. It never ceases to amaze me that high schoolers don't know better!


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