Monday, May 28, 2012

The Wall of Photos

I am trying so hard, you know? I want to get along with my mother because I love her, because she is the way she is, and because at this point in our lives, she is not going to change. And maybe she isn't even supposed to change. I keep returning to that verse from Isaiah and that televised ministry I saw a couple weeks ago:

"It’s easy to focus on others’ faults and what we would like to change about them. But, God is the one that put the talents, creativity and strengths into each person.  Isaiah 64:8 says, 'We’re the clay and you’re our potter: all of us are what you made us.' Our job isn’t to change people. Learn to accept that God is the one directing their steps, making them and molding them into who He wants them to be. If you’ll learn to love, honor and accept people for who they are right now, your relationships will go to a whole new level."

Yesterday I went to see her, to play with my nephew, which I frequently do on Sundays. She was so happy to see me, enjoyed how he and I make one another laugh. She hugged me a lot and wanted me to stay longer. All that is good, right?

Well, except for her new Wall of Photos. A Mother's Day gift to her from my kid sister (who certainly knows our family history).  We're talking at least 10 feet of family pictures. There is only one of me. There is a black-and-white studio portrait of my molester.

My mother is so very proud of this wall and wanted me to see it.

She's not mean, she's not trying to make me feel bad. She loves me as much as she is able.

She just completely doesn't get me.

This leaves me so sad.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

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  2. Isaiah is a beautiful book telling of the troubles of Israel and it's people.
    Last year I studied this in Bible Study it was deep.
    This verse Joel is talking about is about us letting God take charge of our lives. Learning to pray for the changes we can make in our lives...not accepting the trouble we have in our lives or cursing and blaming God for how we are living (suffering). Through prayer and the strive to change,God can and will transform us to godly people. (Isaiah the prophet is telling us here the restoration of Israel is to come) therefore molding them into serving God and not falling to false idols or teachers.)
    We can use this verse to change...and I agree we can't change other...we should contitue to pray for them and ask God to model them after His Son.
    Acceptance ... wow it is difficult. I would encourage to find peace in knowing you trying to be the best person you can an example of love, peace and saying nothing to bring evil (words, strife, backbitting) back to yourself.
    Non Christian (and those who want to harm us, your sister) love nothing more then pointing fingers to us...and in this day and time suffering is on the agenda for many who know and love Jesus.
    Keep on smiling and saying sweet things!
    Sorry if I have offened anyone, and Gal you can delete this comment. I truly understand.

  3. I love hearing how you feel about your faith, Vivian. How it's enriched you and what you have learned. That's why I miss your blog! And I always appreciate what you share on mine.

  4. The black & white studio in inexcusable. You should say so. As far as your pictures go...f&^k it...


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