Friday, May 11, 2012


This weekend's challenge: Write anything you want, in whichever form you please, so long as your response is exactly 33 words and includes the word "mother."  

A Dixie cup of 7 Up, served at room temperature, and a trio of plain saltines are all you can have when you’re recovering from tummy trouble. I know because my mother said.

THIS JUST IN: The good people at Trifecta ranked this entry third. I'm surprised and very happy.


  1. You must be my long lost sister, because MY mother said the same thing!

    I really liked this post. Some of our most powerful feelings about our mothers are of being nursed when we are sick, I think.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    That's about right - we did ginger ale. It actually worked last week!

  3. when my oldest daughter was sick recently she called asking us to bring her some ginger ale. :) Memories of youth.

  4. Those are such powerful words -- 'I know because my mother said'. My kids still believe everything I say; how long will that last?

  5. Moms do know best. Unfortunately, we don't realize it until we are 30.

  6. Anonymous1:57 AM

    It's amazing how much more our moms know after we aren't teenagers anymore :)

    We did 7 Up and saltines, too. They must have read the same book!

  7. Anonymous6:32 AM

    My mother said the same thing, too, and that's how she treats herself. Good reaction to the prompt:)

  8. I still will only eat those 2 things when I am sick. Good take on the prompt!

  9. Very sweet - Often the wisdom handed down by past generations is the best.

  10. I really like this one. It was like you yanked a moment that is one of those "forever moments" out of the closet that our coats were kept in, along with all of the words that scramble out when you least expect it to remind you of what "mother said." I love it!

  11. I have the same memory of my mother. I still want Saltines and 7Up when I feel sick.

  12. I put my poor parents through this middle-of-the-night rite of passage way more times than most kids. Bleech.

  13. Anonymous6:36 PM

    My Mom's swear by was lime Kool-aid, lime jello, or (better than the other two by far) lime raleigh's ... I don't even know what they called it, but it was fancy kool-aid

  14. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Absolutely perfect response to this challenge. It captures the essence of "Mother".

  15. Brilliant. It's absolutely true - mothers really do know best. This is a great response to the prompt.

  16. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Love this. Of the top three, yours is my favorite!

  17. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Congrats! This reminds me of the time when I was sick - tea and crackers and a half-ripe banana in my case. :-)


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