Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Our trips to the doctor

First Charlotte and I went to the vet. I thought it would just be her annual check up. After all, she's as lively and affectionate as ever, and remains my little feline treat slut. But the vet found a raised sore on her tongue. It could be something as simple and comparatively harmless as a bug bite -- Charlotte is my big game hunter, and it's possible that one of her captives resisted being eaten alive. Or it could be something serious, like oral cancer. The vet gave her a shot of antibiotics, and hopefully when we all get together again a week from Saturday, it will be improved. Otherwise we have to do more icky diagnostic things to get to the cause of the problem.

She's so inquisitive and social! Her eating and evacuation both seem normal. So I have such a hard time thinking that her problem could be serious. On the other hand, cats work very hard to mask their symptoms.

Then I went to the hospital and had my annual mammogram. Hopefully the radiologist won't find anything suspicious on my films.

After all, I've had quite enough of doctors and tests!


  1. AH.... poor kitty...hope she feels better son.

  2. Hope you and kitty are both feeling better and well on the road to good health.

  3. Hope you both get a clean result.


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