Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10 on Tuesday

Ten double Oscar winners

The nominations will be announced later this month, and so I'm working myself up into a frothy Oscar lather. Let me share some of the soap bubbles with you.

These performers have all won more than one Best Actor/Actress Award

1) Dustin Hoffman
2) Elizabeth Taylor
3) Jack Nicholson
4) Daniel Day Lewis
5) Hillary Swank
6) Sally Field
7) Jane Fonda
8) Tom Hanks
9) Jodie Foster
10) Sean Penn

In a class by herself is Katharine Hepburn, who has won four awards in the top category.


  1. Hepburn really is in a class by herself.

  2. It doesn't seem fair that Meryl isn't on this list yet. I honestly feel she's deserved every nomination she's ever received.


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