Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I Want Wednesday

What do you want from your children (or from the children in your life, if you're chidless)?

I hope that this Christmas Eve, my now ten-year-old nephew puts down the Nintendo DS and interacts with us more. I know he's eager to play with the new games he finds under the tree, but I'd like my Christmas memories to include more than a view of the top of his head as he tries to reach the next level.

To play along yourself, click here.


  1. Hello "Gal",
    I hope you'll get at least a little interaction from your nephew at Christmas--maybe some board games(the old fashioned kind?) after present opening??
    From another.."Gal"

  2. My nieces & nephew are text fiends. It drives us all crazy.

  3. I know a child like that. My nephew. He's always hooked into a game system or ipod.


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