Friday, December 26, 2008

Lazy, lazy, lazy

What have I done today? Hmmm ... That would be nothing. I took a shower. I wandered over to the post office, Petco, Old Navy (I got my brother-in-law a plaid shirt for 70% off) and Boston Market. I took a nap on the sofa, looked up and saw how very dark it is out there already.

I don't regret my sloth. I just wonder where the day went! Tomorrow I will do laundry, wash a floor or two, I promise.


  1. My day has been much the same....except for the occasional rumination mood I've been in. I smell a really pungent blog post coming up. I'll try to restrain myself. Too much time alone is not good for the soul.
    Or maybe it is....

    Is that cryptic enough for you?

  2. Sometimes you just need a day like this. I'm gonna have one this weekend, too.

  3. I worked, I am trying not to hate you ;)

  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Sounds like my sunday, minus the four hour drive home.


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