Monday, April 07, 2008

I'm so into it

I am genuinely happy to see Paula, Randy, Ryan and Simon on Larry King Live. I love American Idol. I'm so into it that right now I may very well be on the verge of pathetic. If Randy refers to Larry King as "dawg," I'll die of completion.


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I love your blog! (and I love the Cubs) Thanks for the Chi-town connection...

  2. Thank you for the kind words. Both for me, and for my guys (who won in extra innings).

  3. Hello! I am going to try to blog again. Not sure if you remember me. I've skipped around your blog a bit and am rooting for your Cubbies this year! :)

    formerly my/sweet/hickory

  4. I love American Idol too! I even own both American Idol karaoke XBox 360 games. Pitiful I know. But fun.

    Just figured I'd let you know you are not alone. ;-)

    And I am planning to steal your Tuesday Tunes idea. I need something lighthearted to counteract my last post and that seem to fit the bill. Hope you don't mind!

  5. You are not alone in Idol fandom!




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