Saturday, February 23, 2008

So, Hello, Gorgeous!

My tax refund arrived yesterday and it's already gone. But I'm very satisfied with its disposition … and with myself.

35% My mom’s supplemental Medicare insurance

25% Extra mortgage payment

5% Savings Bonds for my niece and nephew, who would rather have the cash

5% Add to my household “emergency” fund, just in case the condo board hits us with a special assessment

30% MY VACATION! All fiscal responsibility/no play makes me a dull Gal. And besides, it will make next month's Spa Sabbatical (complete with manicure, pedicure, massages, hydrotherapy, facial and makeup makeover) even more relaxing if I know I can afford it.


  1. Awesome use of your refund! Spa... ahhhhh!

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Good for you! We haven't even made our annual trip to the H & R Block office yet!

  3. Yay for you! That's fantastic!

  4. "Hello, gorgeous." On of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies.

    Congrats on the cash. Drinks are on you!

  5. Hmm, maybe I should think about doing our taxes

  6. Ugh, I'm still waiting on mine to arrive -- I have my new furniture already picked out!! (They can all thank me for helping to "boost" the economy, ha!)

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