Friday, June 01, 2007

The Gal's Feeling Accomplished

Left the office today at a little after 2:00. Did my grocery shopping and picked up a burger on the way home. Finished 3 loads of wash. Did some online research for my best friend's project (he's sick and has a big report due Monday AM).

I have so inspired myself that I just might do something about all those sweatshirts in the front of my armoire. (It is, after all, 80ยบ+ here.)

All this & it's barely 8:00! I am unstoppable! I feel completely fabulous, virtuous &, well, other words that end in "ous."

1 comment:

  1. I love those days when you get so much done in so little time. Then you ask yourself why you just can't be that productive all the time!

    I liked the ambiance comment regarding golf. It's true! Golfing is a positive way to spend time with friends. I will use the ambiance next week and the girls will enjoy that!


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