Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Well, am I?

So am I a tight ass? I mean clenched sphincter-wise, not blue jeans-wise.

My co-worker, the one who is (finally!) getting a divorce, showed me her minute-by-minute photos of her night out with the girls. I guess ya had to be there because the pix were pretty boring, and I amused myself by wondering if cellphone cameras have really improved our quality of life until one shot captured my attention: My coworker getting behind the wheel.

"So you were the designated driver?" I asked.

"Well, I'm the one who drove!" So even in our mid-40s, I guess we're supposed to think drunk driving is funny.

"Well, I hope you don't end up sharing a cell with Lindsay Lohan." Then I realized it came out edgier than I intended. OK, it came out exactly as edgy as I'd intended. I just didn't think before I blurted.

So is it me? Am I a humorless, tight-assed school marm who judges everyone too harshly? Was she just relating harmless hi jinks that might even have been healthy, considering the way her life has been going? Or is it OK for me to be furious that, in a city where a cab appears as soon as you raise your arm, she chose to drive?


  1. I must be a tight ass too - I am with you on this one. Really in this day and age there is no bloody excuse for driving while intoxicated. It always amazes me that people think it's funny.

  2. Maybe she got confused and thought that "DD" meant "Designated Drunk." What an irresponsible thing to do! No, you're not a tight ass. I would have said the same thing to her too.

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I'd be upset too. It's so easy to call a cab!


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