Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I am SO still a Cub fan!

I know all the words to "Hey, Hey, Holy Mackarel, No Doubt About It." What more proof does anyone need?

One of my coworkers is a White Sox fan. Usually I treat these sad characters with the noblesse oblige they deserve. But today he really got under my skin.

He wanted to talk about last night's disappointment, when the winning run was walked in by poor relief pitcher Michael Wurtz. I confessed that I didn't watch the entire game because I switched over to watch my beloved future Hall of Famer Greg Maddux turn in a truly inspirational and heroic performance on the mound.

"You turned the game off? Then you aren't a Cub fan. You're a Greg Maddux fan."

Well, I'm both. My loyalties aren't even remotely tried this go-round because Greg Maddux certainly didn't ask to leave me … I mean, CHICAGO … last August at the trade deadline.

Also, it's still early. Experience has shown me time and time again that it's a very long season and we can't assume that the way we play in May will have any impact on where we end up in the Fall.

And the Cubs are my guys whether they win or lose. The outcome of one particular game has no bearing on my relationship with my team. We're in it together for the long haul. Whereas this could very well be (gulp) Greg Maddux' last year.

So I'm melding my Cub fandom and Maddux fanaticism with this photo. It's my beloved #31 doffing his cap and saying farewell to Wrigley Field last summer. (Is it any coincidence that the immortal Fergie Jenkins wore #31, too? I think not.)


  1. We call it Pennant Fever here in New England, that feeling of invincibility in May...I am a fan of the Red Sox but not in the same league as you with the Cubs and Maddux.

    Hey, I tagged you today...pretty easy one and stat counter is very neat to use. Thanks for the post about it. It was the easiest one to be able to take my ISP out so I get an accurate count.

  2. I have a lot of respect for Red Sox fans. I think that Cub fans may be more rabid because of the Force of Darkness (the White Sox) and the Cardinals. Both of those rivalries are as heated as the Red Sox/Yankees. And in terms of my beloved future Hall of Famer Greg Maddux, MAYBE his wife loves him as much as I do, but maybe not. When it comes to him, I put the "fan" in "fanatic."


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