Monday, May 14, 2007

Facts about this here little ol' blog

Thanks to, I know some fascinating things about my musings. At least fascinating to me, because I am a geek.

While it may seem that I spend an inordinate amount of time blogging about Greg Maddux and the Cubs, those two subjects are not the ones that bring readers to me. At least not through search engines. Nor are searchers drawn to my musings for my sharp wit or my perceptive take on life in these here United States. No. The subject that has brought me the most msn and Google search hits is …

The discontinuation of Victoria Principal Time Release Moisture

This completely cracks me up.

76 visitors have spent more than an hour on my site. Gotta tell you, I don't even find me that interesting. I suspect that either their screens froze or they went off to make dinner without exiting my page.

Just to prove that it is indeed a worldwide web: I have had one visitor each from Croatia, Kuwait, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica and Ecuador.

1 comment:

  1. Oh great another stat site for me to check out, lol. I am so random, can't even think what would show up on a google. Off to check it out.


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