Monday, May 07, 2007

Chinese Freeze tag- 10 Interesting Facts about me

I was tagged by JennyMcb (right) of J's Thoughts and Musings ( and I need to tell 10 interesting facts about myself. This can be something shocking or anything that may become a surprise to people! So have fun here goes...

(I shall parallel Jenny's 10)

1. I was always one of the shortest in my class. I tell people I'm 5'2, but it's not true. Anything less than that, though, just doesn't sound like an adult to me.

2. I am hooked on Turbo 21 at

3. I'm not at all tech-savvy, which is why you never see links in any of my posts.

4. I miss the olden days when enormous Judith Light/Who's the Boss glasses were in vogue. My sight is so bad and the new frames are so narrow that I don't trust my peripheral vision and am unsure of myself on stairs.

5. I won $10 in a creative writing contest when I was in third grade. It was for a paragraph about my teacher, Mrs. Kessell.

6. I have never shoplifted anything.

7. I have an irrational dislike for Scarlett Johannsen.

8. I regularly receive certificates from the Illinois Secretary of State, applauding my perfect driving record. Since I don't have a car, my record is not hard to maintain.

9. I cannot recall the last time I cried in front of anyone.

10. I'm not a big one for participating in church. It's a very personal experience between me and God. I don't feel like mingling afterwards.

Now if you haven't checked out Jenny's list, do so now so you can compare and contrast.


  1. Ola Herself!

    I followed you over from Shelly's site and I have to say, I'm so very, very grateful I did!

    I really enjoyed reading your list of ten. Gosh, I haven't been 5'2" since I was 11, I'm in the stratosphere right along with Jen (who tagged me too). Scary stuff not trusting your glasses enough to climb stairs. Congrats on the exemplary driving record (hehehe) and my Scarlett Johanssen is Lindsey Lohan.

    One more thing then I'll end this rambling comment. I became very excited when I read your too! Single, self-sufficient, life loving woman, who has also wondered why there aren't more of us with blogs. I hope you don't mind...I'm going to add you to my links list and mosey through your archives, I promise I won't disturb anything.

  2. Okay, so you are pretty short!
    I play over at pogo too, was addicted to spades and then qwerty. (my name there is janmcb1)
    Very nice driving record.
    Now imagine Scarlett Johanssen or Diane Sawyer doing a google search on themselves and finding our blogs, they would be like, "What the heck did we ever do to them?"
    Thanks for playing along!


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