Saturday, March 10, 2007

Let's talk family values

Bill Clinton was impeached because he committed perjury, not because he committed adultery. But sex will always be sexy, so it's the adultery that people remember. I've heard commentators and regular folk ruminating on the state of the Clinton marriage. How could he cheat on her? How could she stay with him? It's a marriage of convenience, they can't possibly be in love. He made her a lesbian. Etc., etc., etc. I guess that, as a country, we're simply too cynical to believe that the Clintons love each other and have worked through this painful time in their relationship.

Yet the Republican party, the party of "family values," offers us declared Presidential candidates whose lives are riddled with divorce. Rudy Guiliani is on wife #3. John McCain is on wife #2. Newt Gingrich, who recently admitted to an adulterous affair as he was drawing attention to Bill Clinton's, is on wife #3.

Ironically, it's the Mormon Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, who has had only one wife.

It's almost as if many on the Right would have respected Hillary Clinton more if she left her husband. Why is it that the Clintons get all this scrutiny for staying married, while Guiliani, McCain and Gingrich seem to be getting a pass?

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