Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"I put on tangerine lip gloss and answered the door"

I simply love the Geico/Peter Graves commercial. I love Caitlin, the real person whose husband totalled the SUV on her birthday. Her face is so open and free from guile. And I adore Peter Graves. Especially when he says, "I was one lucky woman." I laugh at this spot every damn time it comes on.

The Little Richard/Thanksgiving version is great, too. ("Mashed potatoes and gravy! WOOO!") But it's not shown anywhere near as often. The other Geico celebrity spots simply don't tickle me as much, but so what?

Kudos to The Martin Agency, who created these ads. I googled "Geico Graves" and here are the credits I got: creative director Steve Bassett, art director Adam Stockton, copywriter Bob Meagher, agency producer Holly Flaisher and assistant producer Valerie Battenfeld.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE the ape man, too. haven't seen it nearly enough to remember what he's saying though. seems like i always get in on the end of it.


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