Friday, November 03, 2006

Sky blue

Or white with clouds or gray or dotted with stars. Doesn't matter. I always love looking at the sky.

I also love watching my cats sleep. Especially Joey, my massive ol' gray and white tom. He sleeps so soundly, on his back, tummy exposed, legs splayed. He even looks like he has a smile on his face. His posture, his kitty body language, as he sleeps is so intensely relaxed yet trusting. It warms my heart.

We have a new oldies station here in the Chicagoland area. 94.7 FM. I can turn it on at any time, and hear a song that takes me back and makes me smile. Like "Rainy Night in Georgia" by Brook Benton.

I mention these things because my best friend has hit a bad patch. He's dissatisfied by everything and can't articulate why. I know how he feels. I've been there! I just hope he finds his equivalent of sky blue, or gazing at Joe or rediscovering a forgotten oldie. These tiny, daily miracles don't solve anything. But they do manage to make life bearable while we're on the way to solving things.


  1. I love cats. I wish I could see a photo of yours!

    Thank you so very much for your support. I think you might be write about how getting rid of all of the failures I had has helped me see things more clearly. I am positive that I can get to 8 this weekend. I need to have my wits about me so that will be good motivation.

    Do you have a site meter of some sort on your blog? Just curious if you know how many regular readers you have. It seems so strange to be writing for just one person. YOU. lol Even though we are totally opposites in our political views, I like you. :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Um... write = right. Sheesh.


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