Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm going to be gi-normous

I cannot stop eating. I am actually hungry again. I am trying to only eat things that aren't 100% empty calories. Like cereal. Fiber, calcium ... good, right?

I thought after Thanksgiving I would never eat again. Perhaps it stretched my stomach.


  1. I know what you mean! I have GOT to eat smaller portions. Quit buying candy. Quit eating leftover pie! Ugh.

    I usually eat a larger portion of oatmeal but this morning I ate half of it and threw the rest away. No need to eat the whole damn thing!

  2. Every time I hear the name Pam(ela) Anderson, I only think big boobs. They lasted 4 freaking months. HA.

  3. Kid Rock. Not the boobs (4 months)


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