Friday, October 06, 2006

What not to do on a bad day

Sat for my "portrait" for my church directory. Just the thing to do when you're feeling fat and pimply and just plain useless. At first when I saw my face come up on screen, over and over, seven times in all, I was appalled. I'm a ruddy pudge with too-pale eyebrows. Once I calmed down and took a closer look, I realized the photographer really did know what he was doing. "Tilt your head this way, raise your chin just a bit, glance over this way ..." It felt very silly as I was doing, but as photos of a ruddy pudge with too-pale eyebrows go, these are pretty good.

Read about Jen and Vince's real-life breakup.
I'm strictly Team Aniston. Apparently Vince got tired of the media circus that follows Jen, and that she can be too demanding, too high maintenance. It makes me sad. Brad was supposed to be her lobster, and look how that ended. She and Vaughn were at Wrigley Field over Memorial Day and looked so happy. And now they're over. Sniff, sniff.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard the news about Jen and Vince! Those Hollywood couples! Tsk tsk. :-)


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