Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ah, the 1970s

Today there's Jesse McCartney, John Mayer and Orlando Bloom. But back in my day, here are the heartthrobs who decorated my high school locker. I think I had impeccable taste ... for the most part.

Robert Redford. Hubba hubba Hubbell Gardiner. Can I pick 'em or what? He's gone on to be an award-winning director, a serious environmentalist and indie auteur.

Warren Beatty. I knew him more from Rhona Barrett's Hollywood than from his movies. I'm still curious what he must be like in bed. Gossip leads me to believe I may be the only woman of my generation who doesn't know for a fact.

Joe Namath. He delivered. And besides, he made my parents and teachers nuts.

Paul McCartney. Forever and always. This was his Wings period.

O.J. Simpson. Yeah, well, who could have possibly guessed?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Warren Beatty. Talk about a good lookin' hunk back then. I love Splendor in the Grass. *sigh* Must watch that again sometime.

    ryn: Ummmm...well. :-( I gotta do better, SOON. Like REAL SOON.


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