Sunday, August 20, 2006

Forever my guy

Former President Clinton turns 60. Happy Birthday, Bill. Stay healthy and active. Love 'ya.

Oh, Bill and I have had our moments. I believe that he was so concerned with saving his political hide during the Lewinsky Affair (all puns intended) that he wasn't able to pay enough attention to business, so he bears some responsibility for 9/11. I've never been able to understand how he could square the circle and get behind that welfare reform bill. And yes, I've heard the rumors about Belinda Stronach. And yes, everything I've just written leaves me feeling either a little heartbroken or a little skin crawly.

But then I think of my America BC (before Clinton), and I forgive him.

Remember that song, "The End of the Innocence?" We had twelve years of "the tired old man that we elected King" and Bush 41. In those days, my leaders had no connection to my life, nor to the lives of my friends. The chasm was so great that any interest in politics or goverment felt irrelevant … or worse, hopeless.

Then Bill arrived and it was like one of those Warner Bros. cartoons. The clouds broke, the sun came out, all the little woodland creatures came out of their holes and down from the trees and the birds began to sing again. With Bill at the helm, I had a leader I recognized. I felt like I knew this guy. And that even if I didn't agree with all he did, I believed my interests were heard, understood, appreciated.

Bill managed to convey that he was a man of faith, yet he understood the vital importance of the separation of Church and State. He cared about individuals rather than corporations. He spoke in a way we could all understand about issues we (my friends and I) cared about.

Best of all, he made everyone feel he was their President. And he still does. This past spring I visited the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock. I was there alongside a busload of middleschool students from Dallas. I watched them watch the little film Bill made as an introduction to the library exhibits. He had them. These are kids at an age when it's fashionable to make fun of everything. These are kids who are really too young to remember much about his presidency. And yet he connected with them.

I used to compare and contrast Bill with Senator Kerry and it seemed very unfair. I believe that Senator Kerry is as smart as Bill, has exhibited better judgement than Bill, and is the right man for this country at this time. Yet Senator Kerry would not have been able to grab and hold those kids' attention -- by video, no less -- the way Bill did.

George W. Bush is just as casual in speech as Bill. Just as loose in body language. Yet his message would not have resonated with those kids. So it's not just about charism or packaging. Content plays a role, too.

Bill came from nothing. His gifts and determination carried him from Hope, AR to the highest office in the land. He never forgot where he came from, and how to reach out, communicate with, and include everyone. And from that inclusion comes faith in goverment and hope for the future.

That's intangible, I know. But it's important. So thanks, Bill. Enjoy your birthday and take care.

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