Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Back to the grind

Why is it so hard to concentrate after four glorious days off? Shouldn't I feel invigorated and re-energized? Instead I'm lethargic and completely unenthusiastic about everything on my desk, on my calendar, on my to-do list.

Is this because I am no longer happy at this job? Perhaps this is just the natural order of things and everyone feels this way today.

There are so many things I could be doing at home. Scrubbing my bathroom floor. Disposing of even more extraneous paper. (Two bags of magazines, catalogs and outdated correspondence yesterday alone!) Sorting through books for the book fair to benefit the Oak Park Public Library. Watching continuous coverage of Ken Lay/Korea while playing endless games of Pogo 21 …

Instead of all those lofty pursuits, I am, in the immortal words of Huey Lewis, "Taking what they're giving because I'm working for a living."

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  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

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