Sunday, June 04, 2006

One more thing about That Girl …

During the credits, every time I see the New York skyline, my heart sinks a bit. No World Trade Center. Of course, That Girl was filmed in the mid 1960s, so the Towers didn't exist yet. But in a way that makes it even more poignant. New York was younger then. We all were.

Maybe it's because I work in a big city (Chicago) in a famous skyscraper (AON Tower, aka The Standard Oil Bldg.). But 9/11 creeps up on me every now and again and weighs me down a little. I think it's like a birthmark or my vaccination scar. It will fade bit by bit, but it never disappears completely.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

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  2. Anonymous7:20 PM

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