Wednesday, August 09, 2023

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 8

My 2023 Happiness Icon

Today's Happiness: 57%

That's how many Ohio voters rejected Issue One. I worked on this election, encouraging registered Ohio Democrats to vote no and directing them to a website so they could find their polling place.

That's all I said. My postcards were handwritten, and so less was more. I didn't get into how cynical and ugly it was for the Ohio GOP to set up a single issue special election in August, when most voters aren't paying attention. Just "Your Vote Matters!", please vote no, and here's where.

I paid for the cards. I paid for the postage. I grabbed the ballpoint. Doing something feels better than doing nothing.


  1. Good for you. Go Gal!

  2. Good job. You always inspire me. I need to sign up to write some more postcards soon. 2024 is coming at us like a roaring locomotive.


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