Sunday, December 12, 2021

Happy Birthday to Me -- Recap Edition

I consider this my favorite birthday card
My birthday was 11/22. Monday of Thanksgiving week. Between the holiday, a heavy workload, and covid, it wasn't the event it's been in the past. But it was better than 2020, when my special day was completely forgotten amid the pandemic. (I even got sick with covid myself around this time last year.) So looking back on my 2021 celebrations, I want to give a special shout out to the State of Illinois. 63% of us are now vaccinated. I know three people who contracted the virus this summer -- all three were vaccinated with both doses -- and none of them got as sick as I got.* Using my birthday as a signpost, I hope that masking and booster shots continue to keep us safe and that next year my special day will be Galapalooza again!

I got presents! In addition to the ones in this photo (from my auntie, my cousin, Snarkypants and my friend Nancy), I got little gifties from my Joanna, my oldest friend and newest friend, Elaine. They're all festive and thoughtful and appropriate and so very appreciated.

I ate! Thanksgiving dinner with Gregory and John was the start. (He got me a giftcard to my favorite local movie theater -- another perfect present!) Then Joanna and I got together at a local restaurant I haven't been to in nearly two years! Last night, Elaine and I dined at a trendy little Asian kitchen downtown near the ballpark. It's a tiny space with great food and I'm so glad it made it through the pandemic when many other small businesses didn't.

I celebrated! Last night, Elaine and I attended the annual holiday show at the Music Box theater. Last year, for the first time in decades, it had to be held outdoors at a drive-in theater. This year, we were back inside! Yes, we were masked and asked to present our vaccination cards, but I like feeling safe!

Anyway, last night, surrounded by classic movie fans who knew all the dialog (and hissed whenever mean Mr. Potter appeared and jingled bells whenever Clarence mentioned his wings), I saw It's a Wonderful Life. It was a very emotional experience for me. Not just because the film is so positive and moving, but because it was a favorite film of my favorite uncle. I miss him all the time -- more often than I would have predicted when he died more a decade ago -- and he would have loved this.

 Before the film, the Music Box showed Christmas-themed shorts, including my favorite as a little girl, "Hardrock, Coco and Joe." It's crazy how happy this made me!

Then there was a sing-along, hosted by The Big Guy himself. I don't know if you can really tell from my crappy photo, but Santa hopped onto the classic Music Box organ and led us in song. Most of the tracks we sang along with were by my holiday fave rave, Andy Williams (!) and augmented by the organ. Afterward, Santa rewarded us by throwing wrapped candies into the audience.

There were no children in the audience, but in addition to Boomers like Elaine and me, there were plenty of Millennials. It was so nice to enjoy the movie going/Christmas experience in a crowd again!

I woke up this morning feeling very happy. Loved and grateful. Excited about Christmas 2021 ... and hoping that when I post about my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas 2022, vaccinations and masks will make covid a mere mention and not a big part of our memories.

*Nor my Cousin Rose or my oldest friend. All three of us ended up spending the holidays with covid. Like me, my friend had wicked gastrointestinal symptoms. Rose had the more conventional respiratory symptoms. All three of us were sick for weeks. Since we're still on work-from-home, one of my vaccinated coworkers got through his very recent "bout" without missing a day's work!


  1. What a happy birthday post!!! Hooray for celebrating you!

  2. I'm glad you had a good birthday!


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