Wednesday, March 05, 2025

I'd Rather Be Lonely Alone

The Oscars were difficult for me this year. Not because the show wasn't good. It started early and, at least in my humble opinion, didn't drag. But the traditional telecast made me miss my departed friends, Henry and John.

How Henry would have loved Conclave! He was raised in the Catholic Church and proud that he was educated by Jesuits. Henry did indeed find God in all things, and it wounded him desperately that, as a gay man, he was precluded from the pageantry and music he dearly loved. I worshiped with him at his Key West church, MCC, and teased him it was like sharing a pew with a Kardashian because everyone knew him. Even though his fellow congregants came island casual, Henry always chose his church clothes with care. He would literally take my hand when it was time for communion. My church doesn't offer it so it's not a big deal to me. But oh! Communion meant so much to him and he wanted me to take the sacrament because he loved me. So I would have loved to discussing Conclave with him, asking him specifically about Cardinal Bellini (Stanley Tucci) and Cardinal Benitez of Kabul. I would have loved to have watched his face as he took in the red robes, black habits and white umbrellas. Back in 2016 he told me that seeing Pablo Larrain's Jackie with me made it better. I know what he meant. I miss him so.

I swear I could hear John complaining during the Oscars. During the tribute to Quincy Jones, Queen Latifah sang "Ease on Down the Road." HELL NO, he would say. His goddess, Diana Ross, performed the song in The Wiz. She also worked with Jones on "We Are the World," and she was an Oscar nominee herself. We often discussed how the entertainment world doesn't give Miss Ross the credit she deserves. The Grammys got it right when they had her close the show. It brought John such joy to see her in sequins and a big, big weave. So here she is in Grammy glory. This is for you, Buddy.

I loved these men so. I belong to a movie group and didn't need to watch the Oscars alone. But if even if I had gone to a viewing party, I still would have been lonely and I find it's easier to be lonely all alone.


Tuesday, March 04, 2025



WWW. WEDNESDAY asks three questions to prompt you to speak bookishly. To participate, and to see how other book lovers responded, click here

PS I no longer participate in WWW.WEDNESDAY via that link because her blog won't accept Blogger comments. I mention this only to save you the frustration I experienced trying to link up.

1. What are you currently reading? Guilt by Association by Marcia Clark. This is Marcia Clark's first novel, published back in 2011, and it introduces her popular heroine, Los Angeles ADA Rachel McKnight. After getting a guilty verdict in a high-profile murder case no one thought was winnable, Rachel inherits a rape case she doesn't want. The victim's family is politically connected and it's an election year, which will make the process more complicated than Rachel would like. If that's not bad enough, there seems to be dissension between the teenage victim and her powerful father. No wonder Rachel likes her Glenlivet.


This is my third Marcia Clark book of the year and it's only March. The first was Trial by Ambush, her non-fiction examination of the Barbara Graham case, and it was terrific. My second was The Fall Girl, and it was just OK. In fact, I was thinking about it the day after I finished it – the next day! – and it took me a minute to remember whodunnit. So I wasn't eager to visit Marcia again so soon. But my library unexpectedly had it available, and I thought, "why not?" Sometimes books find me when I need to read them. Maybe Guilt by Association is one of them

2. What did you recently finish reading?
Unleashed by David Rosenfelt. This is the 11th book in the Andy Carpenter series and it includes everything that makes it one of my favoritest: Andy cracks wise and annoys judges and prosecutors alike, he and Laurie engage in witty banter, Andy admits to physical cowardice, and, of course, there are dogs. 

But while I enjoyed this one, I didn't loooove it. Too bad because I really wanted to. But what promised to be a straightforward, highly relatable courtroom drama took some wild turns. Andy's accountant, Sam Willis, meets an old high school rival who needs a good lawyer, and of course Sam recommends Andy. Barry dies suddenly and under suspicious circumstances and authorities believe Barry's wife (Sam's first, long-ago love) is involved. There. That's enough. Stop there. But we somehow veer into an international assassination plot. Huh? Got to admit, I didn't care.

3. What will you read next? I don't know.



Monday, March 03, 2025

It was an honor just to be nominated

OK, I'm still in Oscar mode after last night's ceremony. But that's not what this post is about.

Late Saturday afternoon I got an eleventh-hour invite. Abigail and Jerry from the card shop had an extra ticket for an amateur production of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Jerry's text included no mention of the ticket price but did promise me a ride, as neither Abigail nor I drive. I'd have to be ready at 6:15.

Unfortunately I didn't see the text until Sunday morning. When I got home from errands on Saturday I put the phone on the kitchen counter to charge and didn't check it. These kids only text but never call. If he had called, I would have heard the ring and picked up. Oh, well. I'm not at all sure I would have wanted to go. 

But that's not the point. Abigail and Jerry asked me! That strikes me as extraordinary. I am 67 years old. Abigail is not yet 21. When I was 20, I can't recall a single 60-something I wanted to socialize with. 

So I am happy.

I've often wondered how my coworkers perceive me. After all, I'm the Ringo of the shop. Ringo was the oldest of the Beatles and the last to join the band. I've never worked retail before, am still often confused at the register, and old enough to be the mother of our next oldest team member (our new boss Katie is in her mid-30s).

Now I know the one I now work with most often, Abigail, is willing to hang with me. The invitation, not the play, is what's important here. I'm just pleased to be asked.


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash 


Saturday, March 01, 2025

Saturday 9


Saturday 9: My Blue Heaven (1955)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The music for "My Blue Heaven" was written by Walter Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson was a gifted piano player who used his talent to entertain the troops on leave during WWI. What's something you're naturally good at? Writing. I've always done it – as a child I amused myself by making my own little books – and I made a pretty decent living doing it. Sometimes when something comes easily to us, we don't appreciate how good we are. I see that in Abigail at the card shop. She is so visually attuned, so good at creating retail displays and it's her chalk drawings that decorate our A-frame sidewalk sign. I keep telling her she needs to take some classes at the community college to learn the right computer programs and then get into advertising or publishing. She thinks I'm "just being nice," but when it comes to business, I'm not all that nice. I think she has a gift.

2) The lyrics were written by George Whiting. He began his career on stage as a song-and-dance man. While touring, he met and fell in love with another singer on the bill. They went on to marry and have three daughters. Have you ever engaged in a workplace romance? I've only ever had workplace romances! Which is not to say I was good at them, or that they were a good idea.

3) In this song, Doris Day sings about a cozy home. Look around the room you're in. What makes it cozy?
4) For four consecutive years, Doris was the most popular film actress in the world, with fans flocking to theaters to see her. Is there an actor or actress whose presence in a movie or TV show makes you say to yourself, "I want to see that?" In today's world, I'll go with Jennifer Aniston. In classic Hollywood terms, Katharine Hepburn and Judy Garland.

5) For all her film and music success, she found herself broke in the late 1960s. Her husband had mismanaged her fortune, something she didn't discover until after his sudden death. Do you know how much is in your checking account right now? (We're not asking the amount; just whether you know.) Not off the top of my head. But I check it every day to make sure no unauthorized withdrawals have been made (and that Elon hasn't interfered with my Social Security payment yet).

6) Away from performing, Doris' passion was animal welfare. At one point she shared her home with more than a dozen dogs and went on to establish the Doris Day Animal Foundation. Do any pets share your home? See above. Though I wouldn't say they "share" it. They outnumber me and they run it.
7) In 1955, when this song was a hit, cars came with AM radios but they were pretty unsophisticated by today's standards. The car needed to be on and "warmed up" a bit before the signal was picked up and that signal could easily be lost if you were bouncing over rough terrain. Today most new cars come with Bluetooth so you can enjoy infotainment through your phone. Do you listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc., as you drive? No car. But I always listen to tunes when I'm on public transportation.

8) Also in 1955, the first McDonald's opened. Does your community have a McDonald's? Yes. But honestly, I don't think I've been there in more than a year. I've discovered the best "burger to go" in my neighborhood is from the kids menu at the local pizza place. (I never order it when I'm seated in the restaurant, though. I'm embarrassed to order from the kids menu.)

9) Random question: How long have you known your newest friend? Well, depends on which of us you ask. Elaine remembers me from 2016. Our movie group then met in person, and as that most wondrous Cubs season unfolded, she recalls how I would check my phone the moment the lights went back up and announce the score. My fandom amused her. I truly do not remember her until 2021. During covid, our group went from monthly in the theater to weekly online. Somehow I noticed her more when we were trapped in our Brady Bunch/Zoom boxes and, when as things started opening up, she suggested we meet for lunch in person one day, I jumped at the chance.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Thursday Thirteen #400

For my 400th TT, I decided to recycle one from 10 years ago.  Before I get the same comments I got a decade ago: Yes, TV Guide is still published. Here's the subscription link.

Thursday Thirteen #231


How to rank something so incredibly subjective? By turning to the TV Bible, aka TV Guide, of course! It's been publishing regularly since April 1953. And here are their thirteen most frequent cover subjects.

1) Lucille Ball -- 31 covers

2) Mary Tyler Moore -- 24 covers

3) Johnny Carson -- 23 covers

4) Bill Cosby AND Oprah Winfrey -- tied at 19

5) Larry Hagman -- 18 covers

6) Carol Burnett -- 17 covers

7) Barbara Walters AND Carroll O'Connor -- tied at 16

8) Michael Landon AND Michael J. Fox -- tied at 15. These two Michaels grew up before our eyes on the cover of TV Guide 
•  Landon was 23 when he had his first cover, as Little Joe Cartwright of Bonanza, in 1960 and 54 when TV Guide ran a cover story memorializing him upon his death in 1991.
•  Fox was 21 when he appeared on his first cover as Alex P. Keaton of Family Ties in 1982, and 52 at the time of his most recent cover in 2013.

9) Cybil Shepherd -- 14 covers (I was surprised she was this popular)

10) Lawrence Welk AND Raymond Burr AND Jaclyn Smith (what an odd combination!) -- tied at 13

11) Richard Chamberlain AND Roseanne AND Ted Danson -- tied at 12

Tom Selleck in 1980 ....

... and 35 years later

12) Bob Hope AND Candice Bergen AND Mike Wallace AND Tom Selleck -- tied at 11 (Selleck was on the cover for the 11th time earlier this month)

13) Andy Griffith AND James Garner AND Jerry Seinfeld AND Hugh Laurie -- tied at 10

Please join us for The NEW THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025



WWW. WEDNESDAY asks three questions to prompt you to speak bookishly. To participate, and to see how other book lovers responded, click here

PS I no longer participate in WWW.WEDNESDAY via that link because her blog won't accept Blogger comments. I mention this only to save you the frustration I experienced trying to link up.

1. What are you currently reading? Unleashed by David Rosenfelt. I admit I needed a Silkwood shower after the OJ book (below) and so I reached for my fantasy boyfriend, Andy Carpenter. While he likes sports, he couldn't be more different from those in OJ's world. Andy is self-deprecating, true to Laurie, and dedicated to giving back. Plus Andy is funny, and there are precious few laughs in the Simpson case. 


This one shines a light on a supporting character in Andy's world: Sam Willis, his accountant. Sam meets an old high school rival who needs a good lawyer, and of course Sam recommends Andy. Turns out Barry is in much deeper trouble than Sam realized, and Barry's wife (Sam's first, long-ago love) is involved. I'm looking forward to lots of twists and turns.

2. What did you recently finish reading?
How I Helped OJ Get Away with Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret and Remorse by Mike Gilbert. I found this book compelling from a human perspective. What if someone you like, work for and depend upon does something terrible? How much loyalty do they deserve? Add to all this the white hot spotlight that came with The Trial of the Century. All that public attention just exacerbated the Us vs. Them mentality inside Simpson's inner circle and skewed Gilbert's perceptions. I get all that and, at times, understood his attitude toward OJ. After all, Simpson had for years opened the Rockingham estate to Gilbert and his family. It was "Uncle OJ" who sent a bouquet to Gilbert's daughter before a dance recital and brought an antique lamp to literally brighten the room of Gilbert's mom, who was in assisted living.


But here's the thing: I don't like Mike Gilbert. He began the book with an anecdote from early 1992, chastising OJ for playing golf with then-President Clinton because Gilbert doesn't approve of Bill and Hill. Say what you will about the Clintons, but Bill never donned a black cap and gloves and cut the throat of a woman while her children slept upstairs, as Gilbert admits OJ would do within months of that day on the links. He takes a gratuitous swipe against Marcia Clark, saying she mishandled a witness. He'd heard the woman had been in rehab with Clark and the prosecutor was afraid the story would come out. Gilbert can't prove this is true, but there it is in his book. Most of all, there's Christie Prody. She's the young woman who hooked up with OJ after the trial and moved with him to Florida. Gilbert seems to blame her the drugs and debauchery OJ indulged in during those years. Like a young and penniless girl had that kind of power. Then – get this  Gilbert negotiated a deal for an OJ/Christie sex tape, ready to profit from their "debauchery" even as he judged it.


So I'm glad I read this for the view of life inside a moral tornado. I'm just sorry our tour guide was such an asshole.

3. What will you read next? I don't know.



Monday, February 24, 2025

We're not friends anymore

I never converse with my oldest friend anymore. I no longer even try. When I call her, I get the familiar voice mail message telling me her mail box is full. She doesn't answer my emails. I suspect this doesn't have much to do with me personally. I've come to believe she's avoiding creditors. I know she owes her former landlord $8,000 -- money she has no way of paying. Years ago, when she was on the verge of losing her car, she stopped answering voicemail and email, too.

Ignoring voicemail does not preclude her from making outgoing calls. She doesn't want to talk to me. I don't know why.

I hear from her regularly. She IMs me silly videos of old ladies laughing and falling down, doing yoga and falling down, getting drunk and falling down. Apparently this is how she sees our friendship. I kinda get it. When we saw one another regularly, from the time we were in first grade until she moved to California, we did laugh all the time. I can't recall the last time we laughed together.

When we were both working -- me in advertising, her in hospital administration -- we used to exchange long emails. Chatty and detailed. I know that, on my end, I'd add a few lines to the latest email between meetings or conference calls, or before I logged off for the day and went home. It seems counterintuitive that now, when we're not working, I never hear from her in any meaningful way. I kinda get this, too. Her life isn't going that well. She no longer has an apartment and is sharing a ranch house with three other seniors. They're like The Golden Girls -- they each have their own bedroom and share the kitchen, living room and bathrooms. I wish I thought she, Jonathon, Robert and Karen were like Rose, Blanche, Dorothy and Sophia, spending their evenings in the kitchen sharing their lives over cheesecake. I hope that's what's happening. The alternative is that she's consumed by depression or health issues. I don't like thinking that, so I brush it away. After all, there is nothing I can do about it from this distance. She doesn't pick up her phone and she doesn't answer emails. All I can do is give a "thumbs up" to the latest clip of old ladies laughing and falling down.

It bothers me that, as little as I know about her life, that's how much she knows about mine. She doesn't even seem curious. Naturally this hurts my feelings.

But I know she can't. With her bipolar condition, her health issues and her financial situation, every day must be a battle for her. Her cousin and her son, those two she loves more than everyone else, seem to have had enough of her drama and cut ties. I've concluded she just doesn't have the wherewithal to be an equal partner in this relationship. 

I love her. She holds my history and I honor that. So I will keep the lines of communication (such as they are) open. All that is required of me is to click on irrelevant videos. And to adjust to life without her. Because the friendship I knew is gone.


Friday, February 21, 2025

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Flowers (2023)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do you more often wear gold or silver? Silver
2) She also sings the praises of buying herself flowers. Are there any cut flowers in your home right now? Nope. When I was working every day in an office setting, I always had cut flowers in a vase on my desk. All year around. But now I'm afraid my cats would view the flowers as a salad bar.
3) She tells us she's going to paint her nails cherry red. Do you handle your own mani/pedi, do you go to a salon, or do you just let your nails go natural? I get a professional pedi several times a year and touch it up on my own between visits. I am not very good at this.

4) In 2019, Miley had vocal cord surgery, and her recovery required her to go weeks without uttering a sound. Would it be difficult for you to keep your lips zipped for a week? Depends on who is around. I could very comfortably go a week without seeing, or talking to, anyone. I would feel no need to seek out company. But if someone else so happens to be around, well, I will always be compelled to fill the silence. This is why Chandler is my favorite Friend.

5) Dolly Parton is Miley's godmother, and Miley singles Dolly out as the one who taught her "how to treat people well." Tell us about someone who was a positive influence on you. My Cousin Rose. Apart from the other women in the family, she was always independent and always went her own way. She let me see what was possible.

6) She is a massive Elvis fan and swoons every time she watches Blue Hawaii because he professes his love for Maile, pronounced "Miley." What movie have you watched many times? According to Letterboxd, I've seen Jailhouse Rock eight times. I'm sure I've seen The Wizard of Oz way more than that.
7) In 2023, when "Flowers" was released, actor Sir Michael Gambon died. Though he distinguished himself performing Shakespeare with the Royal National Theater, he is best known for playing Dumbledore in several Harry Potter movies. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? I don't have one. I know nothing about the Potter universe, except that my niece is sure I would be a Hufflepuff. Which sounds cute.

8) 2023 was a busy year for England's Royal Family, with the crowning of King Charles III and the publication of Prince Harry's memoir, Spare. Do you have a favorite among the Windsors?

9) Random question: Do your siblings have children? If yes, are you close to them? Both of my sisters have kids. I'm close to the two who grew up near me, not to the two who grew up in California.


Where Stable Meets Consistent, You'll Find Me

This is me. Or it would be, if I was younger and stronger and my breasts were still as high they once were.* I feel fine about my life right now. At this moment. Which is noteworthy because I've been worrying. A lot. 

I have friends and loved ones who are struggling. Some have financial issues, some have physical/emotional/cognitive issues, some struggle with both. My friend Mindy, on the other hand, "downsized" to a 3BR, 4BA home in a wealthy northern suburb and has been vacationing in places like Italy and Vietnam. 

When I was working, I better understood my life and my expectations of it. But in retirement, I've felt unmoored. Am I doing it right?

So this month I've been sitting down with the experts and have received their assessments. I didn't intentionally designate February for navel gazing, it's just worked out that way. This is what I've learned:

•  My primary care physician says my cholesterol and blood sugar are "stable." We discussed my spinal stenosis and arthritis but she is happy that I'm managing both with yoga, stretching exercises and chiropractic adjustments, not meds. No diabetes, heart trouble, or hip/knee replacements appear on my (immediate) horizon. In short, for an overweight 67-year-old woman, I'm fine.

•  My clinical psychologist says I'm "consistent." This was, particularly, in response to my concerns about "losing" words. "Lethologica," she called it. A word or phrase will be on the tip of my tongue and I just cannot retrieve it! Yes, it can be an early indicator of Alzheimer's but in and of itself, it's not. She says that in the four+ years we've been working together, my cognitive abilities have remained "consistent." She reassured me that she knows what to look for (she went to doctor school, after all) and if she noticed something amiss we would address it. In short, for a 67-year-old woman, I'm fine.

•  My Chase financial planner and I talked "wealth management." I don't consider myself a rich woman, and I'm not compared to Mindy, but my outlook is not at all dire, either. I can live as I do now for another 25 years. Then, he said, I'd probably have to "make changes" (sell my condo). I almost started to laugh. In 25 years I will be 92! I doubt I'll still be alive, but if I am, I'll already be in assisted living, funded by my long term care insurance and the sale of this condo. I am not worried about having to "readjust my lifestyle" at 92. So, for a 67-year-old woman who wants nothing more than to dine out regularly with friends, provide her two spoiled felines with quality veterinary care, and take a couple of trips each year, I'm fine. BTW, those are domestic trips. Mindy can have Europe and Asia. Right now I'm excited about The TCM Classic Film Festival!

Oh, I'm aware "fine" is not great. In the old Sears mattress ranking of "good-better-best," my life is the equivalent of a mid-priced Serta Perfect Sleeper. My apartment is a hovel. It needs new flooring, fresh paint (drywall in the living room), and a serious "de-junking." I'll look at all that after I have paid the big old special assessment I know is coming our way. 

I don't move enough. I don't drink 8 glasses of water a day, and I have to. My new boss at the card shop has been giving me incremental hours -- yay! -- but these longer shifts on my feet leave me exhausted. Seriously, after a 5- or 6-hour shift, I get home and take a two hour nap! So I can see a day when the wage won't be worth the wear-and-tear and I'll hang it up and retire altogether. 

But why borrow trouble? My late minister once said, "Don't waste your dread." Right now, I am fine. For the next five years -- as well as any of us can know anything about what the future holds -- I'll continue to be fine. 

I'm going to sit here for a moment and appreciate the fineness of it all and feel a little gratitude. And chug a cup of water.


*Or if I wore red lipstick or would ever allow myself to wear ammunition (!). But you get the idea.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Thursday Thirteen #399

 13 Great SNL Castmembers. Sometimes I love the whole show, sometimes I'm just killing time until Weekend Update comes on. Some casts I barely remember because my Saturday social life took precedence. 

But none of that diminishes what Saturday Night Live has accomplished. I'll never sniff at the the talent and dedication that goes into putting 90 minutes of topical comedy, performed live, on air, week after week. And I understand it's like popular music in that every generation thinks theirs was best. While my funniest-ever was Gilda, a younger generation would insist it's Kristen Wiig. 

So I let Cory Woodroof, an entertainment writer at USA Today, rank the top 13 SNL castmembers.

13. Tina Fey.

12. Bill Murray.

11. Adam Sandler.

10. Kate McKinnon.

9. Dana Carvey.

8. Kristin Wiig.

7. Maya Rudolph.

6. Chris Farley.

5. Kenan Thompson.

4. Will Farrell.

3. Gilda Radner.

2. John Belushi.

1. Eddie Murphy.

PS My list would include Dennis Miller, Norm MacDonald and Colin Jost. I love Weekend Update!

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



WWW. WEDNESDAY asks three questions to prompt you to speak bookishly. To participate, and to see how other book lovers responded, click here

PS I no longer participate in WWW.WEDNESDAY via that link because her blog won't accept Blogger comments. I mention this only to save you the frustration I experienced trying to link up.

1. What are you currently reading? How I Helped OJ Get Away with Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret and Remorse by Mike Gilbert. I recently watched Netflix docuseries on the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman and was introduced to OJ's agent and confidant. One of his comments really resonated with me. Gilbert wondered whether OJ was a good man who did a terrible thing, or if he was a terrible man who could occasionally do good. It reminded me of something our minister said while encouraging us to do prison work: Don't judge an entire life by its worst moment.


OK, but Gilbert eventually cut all ties with OJ and even wrote this book, which obviously is not a defense. How did he get here? I believe we each have a snapping point -- which is why I'm against citizens carrying handguns -- so I suppose it's possible that I could somehow find myself in his position. How do you deal with it when someone you love does something despicable?


I'm ruefully amused that in early 1994, Mike Gilbert didn't approve of OJ golfing with President Bill Clinton. Gilbert was all judgey about Bill while he was proudly representing a man who, within months, was going to commit a double homicide. Okeedokee.


Btw, this is a library book. I'm not yet sure of Gilbert's motives and don't wish to support exploitation with my cash.

2. What did you recently finish reading?
Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength from Friends and Strangers by Elizabeth Edwards. This is a reread for me. I once again found it immensely moving, but it landed differently this time than it did 20 years ago.


Back then, I was shaken by Elizabeth's courageous candor about how the death of her son rocked her. She shamelessly recounted how she literally collapsed with grief in the grocery store when confronted with Wade's favorite soda. In 2006, I had to put the book down after that passage. It was too real, too raw. It shocked me that anyone would willingly share something (and she shared much in a similar vein) that made them seem so vulnerable, so wacky. As I made my way through these difficult passages, I realized Elizabeth was teaching me that it's OK to be weak, to struggle, to hurt and to be confused. That weakness, struggle, hurt and confusion are universal and can bring us closer to one another and those connections will ultimately bring us strength. I've internalized that. In the last 20 years, I've been more honest with my friends and loved ones. This past spring, after my friend John died, I very honestly called Joanna and Elaine and told them I was suffering. They each came through for me. I am grateful to them, and to Elizabeth Edwards for being my sherpa.


But in 2025 it hit me differently. I worked on the Kerry/Edwards campaign, and this time it was those chapters that made me the most emotional. We've lost so much in the last 20 years! Elizabeth recounts how shocked she was when, en route to a campaign appearance, a man held up a handmade sign calling her, "Fatso." Today the Oval Office is inhabited by a man who, while being deposed about a rape, said unasked that the female lawyer questioning him was not his "type." Good to know what our Predator in Chief's preferred "type" of rape victim is, I guess. (I'm not making this up. See it here.) After the 2004 election, John Edwards was reluctant to concede because of Republican shenanigans in Ohio. Come to think of it, in 2000 there were shenanigans in Florida. Apparently the Bush campaign was good at shenanigans. So why didn't I go to Washington, storm the Capitol and beat up a cop or two? Because Al Gore and John Kerry were patriots who were more concerned with the peaceful transfer of power than in possessing it by any means necessary. 

So this time around, Elizabeth's words have spurred me to fight for my country, like she did as a Vietnam-era college student. When one of her professors chided her, telling her no one in Washington was not paying attention to peace protests and asking why do it, she said she continued because she had to do something. Well now, I have to do something, too. Something more meaningful than hand-wringing posts like this and Facebook memes. I'm going to raise funds for candidates I believe in and work on local campaigns so that by the mid-terms, Trump's power will be diminished. (Don't worry, Elon. I will do all this legally and peacefully. No reason to shut down my blog and toss me in the Gulag.)

3. What will you read next? I don't know.




Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Cupid (1961)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Sam Cooke enlists the help of Cupid, the Roman god of love, to help him get a girl. In Greek mythology, the god of love and lust has a different name. Do you know what it is? Eros.
2) Sam Cooke was inducted as a charter member into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The museum and hall are located in Cleveland, OH. Cleveland is proud of the six major museums featured on its website. When did you most recently visit a museum? Before Christmas, Elaine and I went to The Art Institute of Chicago to see a special exhibit: The Great Wave. We also checked out The Thorne Miniature Rooms, and they really bowled me over. And, maybe this is just a corny Chicago thing, but I got to pose in front of the Art Institute Lions, all duded up for Christmas.

3) Sam went to Wendall Phillips Academy, the same Chicago high school Nat King Cole attended. Can your high school claim any noteworthy alums? Just me.

4) "Cupid" was released in 1961. One of the major news stories of that year was the death of Ernest Hemingway. Have you read any of his works? Yes. I love the spare and clean prose. I'm not always fond of what he says, but I'm crazy about how he says it.
Since February 14 was Valentine's Day...
5) Sweethearts, those small heart-shaped candies printed with messages like "Be Mine" and "Kiss Me," are top sellers this time of year. Did you enjoy them as a child? Do you enjoy them now? Didn't like 'em then, don't like 'em now.
6) While Valentine's Day is popular in Mexico, it's celebrated a bit differently than it is here. For our neighbors to the south, it's a day for love and friendship, with no distinction between romantic, familial or platonic love. Do you tell your friends you love them? Or do you reserve "I love you" for your partner and family? I tend to find myself saying, "Love you, too." I wish initiating it came easier to me. I think we all need more love these days.

7) In Poland, Valentine's Day, or Walentynki, is often celebrated with a gift of "tea and sweets" -- a tin of black tea paired with candy. Do you more often drink tea or coffee? Tea. I hate coffee. No, really. I hate coffee.
8) One of London's top accounting firms did a study and reports that in England, Valentine's Day is a 52%/48% affair. 52% of the participants planned on buying at least one card or gift, while 48% did not expect to spend anything on Valentine's Day. This year, were you one of the 52% or the 48%? I was one of the 48%. But I worked at the card shop yesterday (see post below), so I assisted the 52%.

9) A similar study in Rome showed that today's young lovers would prefer to share a romantic experience on Valentine's Day – a stroll through the gardens of Villa Borghese was a popular choice – than exchange gifts. Would you rather do something memorable for Valentine's Day or receive something you can retain as a keepsake? I'd rather have a keepsake. Which is why, I suppose, my condo is overstuffed and overflowing with stuff.


Hooray for Love!

What I like best about my job at the card shop is the little glimpses customers give me into their lives. Today was the first Valentine's Day I ever worked and I enjoyed it thoroughly for the small part I got to play in their celebrations.

1. The solemn girl. She looked to be in junior high. We get a lot of girls her age in our store but usually they come in as a rowdy pack. This one was alone. She went carefully through the various displays throughout the store. I was surprised to see her lingering so long in the baby shower section before finally landing on a Jelly Cat,  a mother cuddling her duckling. Last one we had in stock. It came to $52 and change. She withdrew her zipper pouch and carefully counted out $55 in haphazardly folded bills. 

"One of my favorites," I told her as I put the stuffed duck in a bag. "Glad to know they're going to a good home."

"It's for my mom," she said with quiet pride. I was touched. It probably took her a long time to earn that money. I can't imagine the mother who would not love such a gift from her daughter.

2. The picky husband. This is a generalization, of course, but men just head to our Valentine display and grab a card with a heart on it. But not this hubby. Be perused. He ruminated. He settled on a card that was dotted with Sweetheart candies. "Be Mine," "Kiss Me," etc. But I could tell by the way he dropped it on the counter he was definitely settling. I asked him if he wanted to check out our overstock and produced a small wire basket filled with ones and twos. He was so pleased with the card he found there he actually shook my hand and thanked me for my help.

3. Budget Romeo. This older gentleman was struggling to find a Valentine gift he could afford. I was touched by how frank he was about this. I took him to our sale table. We had some paper poinsettias left over from Christmas, now $2.00 each. We agreed that since red is the color of Valentine's Day, they were just as appropriate in February as they'd  been in December. He was happy that his purchase was less expensive and more festive than a single Valentine card.

4. Cat Daddy. My favorite! This man was checking out our Valentine's table but wasn't excited about anything he saw. Still he kept circling. He was buying a gift for his boyfriend and just didn't like anything we had. I suggested that maybe he was going about this wrong. Instead of trying to make a conventional Valentine gift fit their unique relationship, maybe he should choose the right present and we'll just find a Valentine gift bag to put it in. Voila! Turns out his boyfriend is a cat lover. Well! I knew just where to steer him. He ended up with an "Ask Me about My Cats" desk name plate and a cat mug. Plus a Valentine gift bag and tissue paper (<<< incremental purchase, good for the store's bottom line). 

I love love. I'm just not especially good at it myself. So today gave me pleasure.

Photo by Naomi Irons on Unsplash