Friday, September 29, 2023

What the well-dressed cat is wearing this Fall

Roy Hobbs spent Wednesday at the vet. He had to be anesthetized to have his teeth cleaned and, while he was out, a mole on his chest was removed and sent off to be biopsied. The incision wasn't deep or long and only required three stitches. Still, it's important that he not lick or chew the area. so precautions were taken.

First he modeled the cone they gave him at the hospital.

He was miserable. He walked with great difficulty and panted like a dog, even though there is no real reason for a cone to cause that level of discomfort. Still, I couldn't bear to see him so unhappy. So I ordered a donut from Petco.

It would be a wild exaggeration to say he liked this, but he tolerated it better. He ate and drank while wearing it, jumped on the bed and purred.

In the morning, I woke up to a much happier cat. That's because he had somehow gotten out of the collar and stashed it behind the TV table.

I give up. I just really, really hope he leaves those three stitches alone, because the cone and the collar are a major failure.



  1. Poor Roy Hobbs. I hope he heals up quickly and that the biopsy is negative. I have seen the cones, but had no idea there was such a thing as a donut collar. It's been a while since we have had a kitty in the house. When we had to say goodbye to them and they went over the "rainbow bridge" I had a hard time dealing with it. We want to get another cat though in the next year or two. Tell Roy Hobbs thanks for modeling the latest "kitty cone fashions." ;-)

  2. I hope Roy Hobbs behaves with his incision.


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