Monday, September 09, 2024

Teaser Tuesday

Here's how to play.

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) 

When Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind opens, Scarlett is 16 years old. She is so spoiled and pampered she doesn't even realize how spoiled and pampered she is. By the time we reach this passage, 330 pages later, Scarlett is 18. She's seen war and pain and deprivation and death.

Tonight, when Atlanta was so quiet, she could close her eyes and she was back in the rural stillness of Tara and that life was unchanging. But she knew that life in the County would never be the same again. She thought of the four Tarletons, the red-haired twins and Tom and Boyd, and a passionate sadness caught at her throat. Why, either Stu or Brent might have been her husband. But now, when the war was over and she went back to Tara to live, she would never again hear their wild halloos as they dashed up the avenue o£ cedars. And Raiford Calvert, who danced so divinely, would never again choose her to be his partner.  And the Munroe boys and little Joe Fontaine and —
“Oh, Ashley!” She sobbed into her hands. “I’ll never get used to you being gone.”

When I came upon this, I realized, "I do this!" I do this in the morning when I first wake up. I do this when I hear a song on the radio. I do this when I'm not actively focused on something else. My mind goes back to when I still had Henry and John. And then I understand life will "never be the same again."



  1. Today is Lori's Birthday, wish her a Happy Birthday at

  2. And sadly she realized that she really did love Rhett and he loved her. Ashley's heart would always belong to Melanie. Too bad Margaret did not write a sequel. Someone else did, but it was not the same. I think I need to read that book one more time. I love the movie, but the book has more to it. I have read it 7 times. We can think about the past, but we can't go back and change it.

  3. I can't remember if I already commented that I have added the audio version to my reading list. It's ready and waiting for me--all 49 hours!

  4. The only thing that stays the same is change.


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