Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Challenge -- Day 16

Day 16 -- What's for breakfast? 

Post Raisin Bran.
Play the March Challenge along with Kwizgiver.

Sunday Stealing

The Yeah Meme

Do you have another window or tab open? If so, what are they for? Always! My email and Farmville are open.

Do you like to cook/bake? Not really.

What are you currently listening to? Roseanne on WE-TV. I never watched this show when it was on first-run but I really enjoy it now. Especially John Goodman as Dan and the daughters. I just have to get past how incredibly icky I find Roseanne herself.

How long have you lived in the house you live in? Since August 2001. Easy to remember because it still felt new on 9/11.

Are you tired? No. Lazy, yes, but not tired.

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out? Yes. I choose words carefully at work because choosing words is my job. I'm a writer. But in my personal life I'm a blurter.

Are you nice to everyone? No. I was rather rude to the girl at the consignment shop yesterday and I felt really bad about it. I thought she was being officious, but then I realized she's just one of those people with a flat, world-weary tone of voice. I tried to make it up to her. Don't know if I was successful.

Have you ever tripped in public? Ha! I'm such a klutz! I'm proud I got through 2013 without suffering a fall that required antiseptic, bandages or a trip to the ER.

Are you a morning person or a night person? Night.

Is it easier to forgive or forget? I have trouble with both. I suppose I find it easier to forgive.

Is there something that’s recently shocked you? Malaysia Flight #370. I can't stop thinking about it.

Which is harder: walking away from somebody you love or coming back? Walking away.

What were you doing at midnight last night? Asleep.

What color are your eyes? Green.

March Challenge -- Day 15

Day 15 -- Check today's horoscope. Is it at all accurate?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Living in the past will rob you of the wonders going on around you today. A Pisces will help you get in touch with the magic around you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Living in the past will rob you of the wonders going on around you today. A Pisces will help you get in touch with the magic around you.
SAGITTARIUS. Living in the past will deprive you of the wonders going on around you today. A Pisces will help you get in touch with the magic around you.
I don't know if this reflects my Saturday. Maybe.
I tried something new at breakfast -- salmon benedict. A salmon patty where the ham usually is. It's
more healthful than the conventional eggs benedict but nowhere near as yummy.
Then I dropped some clothes off at the consignment store. I made $70.17 there with my fall/winter clothes. We'll see how I do this spring/summer. I brought fewer pieces over this time, so I'd be happy with $35.
I also went to the Goodwill Sale at Carson's. I turned in six t-shirts that got me TWELVE in-store coupons! New raincoat, jeans, sunglasses, socks, t-shirts and Clinique eye cream, all at least 20% off. I got to support a cause I believe in and spruce up my wardrobe. Win-win.

Does casting off my old clothes and trying a new breakfast entree count as no longer "living in the past?"

My kid sister called last night to tell me the latest about my niece and her roommate/boyfriend. My niece was in tears in the Wal-Mart parking lot because she wants to break up with him but both their names are on the lease. Because I am cool in times of crisis, my sister asked me for advice as to how to handle this. I love my niece and was happy to help. On the other hand, my sister can be rather petulant and selfish. I am trying to walk that fine line of doing what's comfortable but not giving too much away.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Living in the past will rob you of the wonders going on around you today. A Pisces will help you get in touch with the magic around you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Living in the past will rob you of the wonders going on around you today. A Pisces will help you get in touch with the magic around you.

Play the March Challenge along with Kwizgiver.